The call

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As Bryan started to pull your pants down Tyler kept on calling you and Bryan over and over and over again so he finally answered it. "What!!" Bryan said annoyed you watched his face go white and his whole attitude changed. "Baby? What's wrong" you said as you started to get up

Bryans POV
"Baby? What's wrong" y/n said as Tyler kept on talking "B I don't know why but he collapsed earlier while we were just talking and passed out. Zach took him to the hospital and he hasn't woke up yet. I think you might want to come home if you can. I wanted to tell you because he's your brother" "baby!!" Y/n kept asking me "okay Tyler we will. I'll tell you when we get back bye Tyler"
*The call ended*
"Baby we need to pack and go back I'm sorry about this but it's Chris he's in the hospital" "what!! Why do you know what happened" "no they don't know exactly what happened other that he collapsed and won't wake up" she came over and hugged me and I stared to cry because I was worried about Chris. "This has happened before and it took like a week for him to wake up and we still don't know what happened. And I remember when it did the doctors said it could be worse if it kept on happening" I hugged her tighter and she pulled away and put her hands on my face "baby! He will be okay Chris is strong come on I will pack our things and we can leave and I'll drive home" she kissed me "no babe it's fine I can drive. I'll be okay I'm just worried but we need to leave soon"

*3 and a half hours later*
"Tyler were pulling into the hospital come outside so I can see you please" "okay I'm on my way B"
He came outside and when you both got inside he took you to the room and Chris was still out. The doctors came in and talked to Bryan and he stayed with Chris for the next couple of days.

You had stayed with Bryan a couple nights or it was Tyler. About a week later Bryan got really worried and was just talking to Chris and bringing but memories they had and Bryan started crying and held Chris's hand.

"Chris please if you can hear me please wake up I'm begging you. Or at least do something so we know your still able to function and have a chance of waking up!! I can't lose you you're my little brother and I wouldn't be where I am today without your help please!!!" I said trying not to cry even more and y/n came up to me and hugged me. I felt someone grab my hand and at first I thought it was y/n's until I looked down and saw Chris's hand was gripping mine and I knew he was still able to wake up. "Oh please Chris thank god but now I need you to please wake up!! Please and I know I don't say this a whole lot but I need you. And even though we fight you have helped me the most and I love you!!"
About 30 minuets passed and I looked up and saw Chris waking up. "Christopher!! Tyler come here" "what is ha-omg Chris!!" You for the doctor and Chris was completely awake and he had to stay for at least another day and then he was able to go home

Sorry it took so long! School took over a lot of things and I haven't had time but I was able to do it. Next part will be tomorrow!

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