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Chris's POV

The doctors kept me for 2 more days and I was allowed to go home. Bryan never left my side and I could hear him even though I couldn't wake up and that was the hardest part of it all. Hearing my brother crying and wishing it was him and not me and I can't even do anything to help Bryan. I kept feeling like this was my fault or I deserved it but Bryan and Tyler talked and talked and talked to me about it all. After about a week Bryan was still watching me but he was also giving me space because he had been with me 24/7 for the past 3 weeks.
*2 months pass*

I got better and B was still watching me but not a whole lot, in fact he has been really distant with everyone including me and y/n and we don't know why.


Lately B has been on his phone a LOT and any time I walk up to him or am even near him he turns it off and puts it face down. This went on for at least a month and even the boys started to notice it. "Y/n hey are you okay" Chris came up but I wasn't focusing "hello....y/n.... *sighs* Y/N!!" "Huh what Chris" I realized that I wasn't focused on anything but why B has been distant "Are you alright I know Bryans barely talking to you but he's not ignoring you he's ignoring all of us too so it's not just you and I don't know if that makes you feel better or not but I'm sorry" "Chris...I think he might be cheating or something" Chris grabbed my hand and we went to his car and he made me talk. "Why do you say that y/n" "Because anytime I'm with him or near him he's always on his phone and when he sees me he turns it off and turns it upside down and he changed the password and took my Face ID out of it. I don't know C I'm sorry for bugging you about this I-I'm sorry" I stated to get out but he grabbed my arm "no it's fine that's not like B to do that. Have you talked to him" "no but should I" "yeah y/n if you think he is you should talk to him okay" "yeah" we both went back inside and Chris went live with Tyler and I went to talk to Bryan and as soon as I walked in he did the same thing he always does. "Hey..." "hi B umm can we talk" his face went pale and I could tell he was nervous "I don't want to sound like I don't trust you because I do I completely trust you but lately you have been weird. You aren't really talking to me. You changed your password and took my Face ID out and you always shut you phone off and turn it over when you see me" I looked up and I could tell Bryan was mad "Okay...and what am I not allowed to have privacy now" "what no B I never said that and I said I wasn't trying to be like this I'm just worried" "Yeah well it sounds like you don't trust me. You really think I would cheat on you!! Wow y/n just wow" he started getting up but I grabbed his arm "Wait baby please talk to me I'm sorry" he tried to leave but I grabbed him again and he turned around and pushed me and immediately regret it after he did because I fell and hit my head on the side of the bed and he could tell I was hurt. "B-baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that!!" He tried to touch me but I moved away from him "Get away from me B." I ran out of the room and I felt dizzy and I don't know if it was because of Bryan or because it was 8pm and I haven't ate anything in 25 hours. I didn't even realize I was crying until Tyler and Chris said something. "Y/n!" "Wait why are you crying what happened" They both came up to me  and Chris looked at me dead in my eyes and he looked mad "What the hell did he do" he put his hand up to my head and I didn't even know I was cut because my head was hurting I general. That's when Bryan came downstairs "Y/N please I didn't mean to"

Bryans POV

Shit!! She ran out of the room and I heard her talking to Chris and Tyler and I went down there and after I tried taking to her she told them what had happened. I like at Chris and he looked like he wanted to kill me so I just went back upstairs for the rest of the day. The next day I didn't come out of the room because I knew Chris would do something so I stayed in there. After 3 days I didn't talk to Chris Y/N or Tyler until y/n came into the room. "Baby..." she walked over to the bed and I felt the bed dip and she sat down. "Babe please look at me"


Bryan turned around and say up. He tried to apologize but I cut him off by kissing him. "I'm sorry B I shouldn't have said you were "cheating" I was just over reacting I'm sorry and I know you didn't mean to push me I'm sorry" "No don't be sorry about that I get where you thought I was cheating I'm sorry I pushed you I didn't mean to and especially not that hard. If you really want to know what I was doing I'll tell you" "Bryan it doesn't matter I just need to know you weren't cheating" "I wasn't baby okay...I was texting your brother and he didn't want you to know we were texting" I looked at him confused "why were you texting him!!" "He wanted to surprise you and that's what I was doing. I will let you go through my phone. I changed the password because all the boys knew it and I didn't want them too. I know I'm just being stupid about it but I'm sorry didn't tell you and I didn't take you ID out it probably happened when I reset my phone. I'm sorry" He looked at me and I could tell he was being honest. "Okay B I believe you and I get it about the password. I'm not going to go through you phone because I do I trust you I love you B" "I love you too babygirl" he hugged me and we ended up just watching kicked all night and cuddled. I heard his phone ring but he never answered it and I did I saw his phone and it was my brother. Around 1 we both fell asleep and I just remember Bryan telling me how much he loved me and he was sorry for what happened.

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