Your day alone with B

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The next day Bryan woke me up around noon and all the boys were gone. He told me they went out for the day and he just wanted us to stay home so we could be together and just chill. He put on a Obie and made popcorn while I got blankets and a hoodie from Bryans closet. When I went back downstairs he turned off all the lights and closed the curtains so it was darker and had the movie ready to play.

Bryans POV

I asked the boys to go out for the day so I could be with y/n and we watched movies and cuddled. We watched the notebook and then the kissing booth. About half way through the second movie I looked down and y/n was falling asleep on me. "Baby are you tired" "mmm" I laughed a little and turned off the tv, picked her up and she had her arms and legs around me and I brought her upstairs. "Hold on I'll get you different clothes. Your not sleeping in jeans. Here put these on and then you can sleep" "thank you B. I love you" I kissed her "I love you more bub" I got in the bed and she immediately Ives over to me. I put my arm around her and she put her head on my chest.


Bryan brought me upstairs and made me change before I fell asleep. He was rubbing my back and kissing my head. We both fell asleep for a little bit and when I woke up it was almost 6 and Bryans wasn't in the room. I went downstairs and saw Bryan making dinner. He hadn't noticed me yet so I went behind him and hugged him while kissing his neck to his lips. "Hey baby. How'd you sleep" he turned around to face me "mmm it would've been better if you were still in there when I woke up" I started pouting and looking at B and he put his hands on my face and kissed me "I'm sorry babygirl. But I made dinner and the boys won't be back tonight so we have the house to ourselves and we can do anything. We can stay here. Go out it doesn't matter to me" "umm well first i want to eat and could we go swimming?" He laughed "yes baby!" After we ate we went to the beach and the sun was setting so Bryan wanted to take pictures of me and some of us together. You posted your favorite one of you two.


Liked by bryanwilliams24, itschriswilliams and 2046 others Caption:With you

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Liked by bryanwilliams24, itschriswilliams and 2046 others
Caption:With you...anything is possible!!
                  Comments Limited
@bryanwilliams24:Thats my baby!!
@itschriswilliams:damn B you need to wife her up already
@bryanwilliams24:Okay I see you babygirl!! 🥺🤍

you guys started going back to the house and while you were waking back to the car you heard someone call Bryans name.

??:"Bryan! B wait"
B:Oh shit. Baby don't let her get to you that's all I'm saying. Oh and don't believe anything she says.
??:Hmm see you haven't changed B
B:What do you want Alex
*Alex=Bryans ex (not actually)*
A:I'm sorry about what I did and I miss you please B

She tried to to hug Bryan but he moved back and that's when she noticed you.

A:And who is this...well this girl?!
B:That girl is my girlfriend so fuck off. You cheated not me. You fucked me up mentally and I don't need you so leave me alone. Goodbye Alex

Bryan grabbed your hand and got into the car. The ride back was silent and you didn't want to say anything because you could tell he was upset about what happened. But the real question is what will happen now since B's ex wants him back?! Will he go back to her? Stay with y/n? Or completely ignore Alex....

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