Going home

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Bryans POV

The day she could come home she slept a lot. Once we got home I brought her upstairs to the bedroom and laid her down. I didn't want to leave her side so I got into the bed and slept with her until 5ish and Chris came up to wake us up for dinner. "Bryan is she coming or no" "uhhh yeah but I don't know how much she'll eat." Chris leaves and I wake up y/n. "Baby...babe hey wake up. You don't have to eat a whole lot but you need food." "Mmm can I just sleep B" "no baby you need to eat, I know you don't want to but you need too please" "fine" she got up and put her arms up to me so I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist with her arms around my neck. When we got downstairs I went to set her on the chair but she just held onto me. "Babe We have to eat and you need to let go" I stared laughing a little bit "No" I tried to get her off and that's when I realized she was crying. "Baby what's wrong" "I'm sorry B I didn't mean to put you through this. Either way, if I'm alive or dead, I'm messing things up" she hugs me tighter "No you didn't. You're not messing anything up okay it's okay. I promise it will be alright! I love you so much bub" she just sat on me while we ate. She didn't eat a lot and neither did I. We went to the couch and I laid down. She looked like the lower part of her arms were bugging her and I knew why. "Hey what's wrong are you alright" "yeah it's just hurting" "do you have to change the bandage or no." "Will it hurt. I mean I know the doctor said I had to change it at least once a day but won't it hurt" "I don't know baby but if it's bugging you we can change it" she nodded and we went to the bathroom. She jumped up onto the counter and I started to unwrap it. The cuts were still covered but a cotton type material but I could still see them and the stitches. I started to change it and she grabbed my arm and she looked like she was in pain. "I know baby I know it hurts but I have to put it on or it will get worse okay. Here hold my hand while I do this" she did and she kept squeezing harder until it was done. I kissed her wrists then her and she jumped off the counter. We went back to our room and just talked and watched tv. She surprisingly had a lot of energy. She got up and dragged me out of the bed and she wanted to make tiktoks so we did and I posted a couple with her.
She ended up posting on Instagram and I didn't even know the picture was taken


Liked by bryanwilliams24, itschriswilliams, thetylerschrage and 26796 others Y/n:I'm sorry baby but I'm just happy that event through this you were with me the whole way

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Liked by bryanwilliams24, itschriswilliams, thetylerschrage and 26796 others
Y/n:I'm sorry baby but I'm just happy that event through this you were with me the whole way.
@bryanwilliams24:it's okay all I care about is that you're okay
@itschriswilliams:we are always here babes we promise
@user13:I hope everything's okay
@hater:she's doing this for attention. I bet Bryan's only with her for her body and doesn't love her

I knew she was going to have a hard time with everything later and after she posted that I got worried because of the comments and just everything. Her phone kept going off and it was all Instagram notifications. DMs, comments and mentions of people being straight up rude and telling her to kill herself and I had enough to of it all. I was so upset with it all and it wasn't even happening to me it was her but I don't care I love her so much. "Baby?" She looked at me and was upset "aww bubs don't cry! It's okay don't let them get to you okay they don't mean anything they're rude and have no respect for people I promise I'm not with you for your body I'm with you because I fucking love you!! I'm sorry bubba" "it's fine B and that's the thing is they don't even know what had happened all they know is I was in there and then telling me to kill myself when that's what I was in there for!! It's so hard!! Bryan why does everyone hate me" "baby I don't hate you. Chris doesn't hate you and what about Cameron and them they don't hate you okay there are so many people who care about you I'm so sorry you have to go through this but I promise your not going through it alone I'm right here and I will always be here baby i love you okay. But there some people that want to talk to you" "I don't want to see anyone. It's probably people who claim to care but do-"
??-So you were just going to leave without saying goodbye?
She looked up and started crying and ran over and hugged him....

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