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After they left, the next couple months were hell!! I constantly felt like I wasn't good enough and it got so bad that I talked to Bryan about therapy and maybe even a mental hospital. We decided about going to therapy and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought. It was weird at first but the lady was nice about it. During that time I got better and didn't go as much. (I know it can take longer than a couple months but for the was a couple months). Right when I was finally getting better I got a call from my brother-Jack- but it wasn't him.
~Phone call~
Y:Hello, Jack
??:It isn't Jack
(your other brother)
L:Hey, I don't want to tell you this over the phone but Jack was in an accident and...umm he didn't....he didn't make it y/n
Y:W-what!! No th-this isn't ha-happening rig-ht! No please tell me this is a joke
log-a-an! No!!
L:I-I'm sorry sis but I have to go. I love you! And he did and still does too.
Y:I-goodbye Log I love you too.
~End of call~
"NO!! WHY, WHY NOW!" I screamed as Bryan ran into the bedroom and I collapsed into his arms. "Hey, hey shh, what happened talk to me please" "H-he's g-go-gone B!" "Who!" "J-Jack! He's dead."

Bryans POV
"J-Jack! He's dead." My heart sank. I knew how much he meant to her. Shit! "I-I'm sorry baby! But he's in a batter place now okay" "No! Bryan stop!! Stop trying to make this all okay because it's not!! I lost him. My fucking brother is dead and I wasn't there when he needed me. He died without me and not being able to say goodbye!! Why!!!! I'm going back home I need to B" I didn't know what to say. I felt so bad for her. "Okay, I'm sorry and I get it's hard. Do you want me to come home with you" she shook her head "no" and I understood and helped her pack.

-next week-

I dropped her off at the airport and hugged her and she cried into my chest. She. Texted me once she landed and that was the only time I talked to her for 3 weeks but I knew she needed time.


I lost my brother. I needed him and I lost him.



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Y/n.spamz: Damn I can't believe this, you were my best friend, my brother. You have always been here for me since I was born. And I can't believe I wasn't with you at your final moments but just know. I love you so much bubba and I miss you! Even tho we annoyed each other, and made fun of each other. I never meant it. I love you so much and you were taken away from us to soon! If you didn't leave LA that day you would still be here with us all. I'm sorry Jack! I love you and miss you so much!!
Jack Y/L/N-
Rest In Peace bubz! 🖤😔

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After the funeral I couldn't go back to LA, at least not right now. I decided to go live to get my mind off of things.

User1:How are you doing so far
Logan:I'm sorry bub, he's in a better place
Cameron:I miss you!!
Tristan:I hope you're okay
Lexi:please don't leave us! And stay here
Alaina:If you go back to LA or even try to I will kidnap you!! 😂😌

Y:I'm not going back to LA. I can't I need to be here. To much has happened and I don't want to be there.

~Bryanwilliams joined-

BryanWilliamsfan:Hey B
Bryan:You're not coming back! Call me!
Chris:Wait what do you plan on doing with your things here then.
Tyler:Please call us

I ended the live and called them all. Let's just say Bryan looked like he was crying  and Tyler and Chris looked upset and pissed....What did I just do.....

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