Fun after the wedding

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Soon we both just had underwear on and I had my bra on still. He started to kiss my neck and going down my chest, he took my bra off and continued to kiss down my stomach and to my thighs. His hands started to move up my thighs more and more until he took off my underwear.

He started to kiss all around my upper thighs until he got to the part I needed him the most. "Are you sure" I nodded my head yes and immediately he started to suck and kiss on my clit. He put two of his fingers in me and started moving them and a teasingly slow pace.

"B-Bryan shit....please....go faster" he did what I wanted and started going faster and harder. He kept going and going and soon I was close and he knew this. "I-I'm cl-ose. Ugh fuck" my eyes were rolling back and my back was arched while I pulled his hair. "I know baby, cum, do it" I did but he didn't stop he kept going even after. I felt so much pleasure but it was too much. "P-plea-se B, stop. I-I can't-mhm- I can't take it" he looked up at me and laughed a little which sent vibrations through out my body. I came again and he stopped. He came up to kiss me and pulled his boxers down and thrusted into me whiteout any warning. "BRYAN! Oh shit, don't stop please" he was going at a pace I didn't even know existed and I felt like I was in heaven. "I didn't plan on stopping"

He kept thrusting in and out fast and started rubbing my clit fast until we both came. He fell down on the bed, while both of us were trying to catch our breath. I sat up and got between his legs while he kept watching me. "Baby? What are you d—please, stop teasing me" I only put the tip in my mouth to piss him off but soon he got impatient and pushed my head down and I gaged. "Oh fuckkk" I
bobbed my head up and down fast while moving my hand fast around the part I couldn't fit in my mouth. He grabbed my hair and pushed my head down multiple times until I felt him twitch and I knew he was about to cum so I stopped. "W-what the hell" I laughed at him but sat up again "shhh baby, I want you to cum in me, again" I got on top of him, put it in and started bouncing up and down while he held my hips.

He came before me but he didn't care he kept moving my hips until I came. After we both did we laid there catching our breath. He got up and went into the bathroom and filled up the bathtub. Once it was filled he came back into the room, picked me up and got in the bath with me. There were candles around the tub and inside were rose peddles and bubbles.

Once we got out we changed and went to bed. "Goodnight my love. Sorry if I went to hard" he laughed, kissed me and I cuddled up to him and that's the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

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