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9 months later

I was in a room getting ready when I noticed a little box that said
"For my baby" when I opened it there was a note and a bracelet.

The note:
Dear Y/N,
In just a couple of hours we will be married and I could not be more happy. I promise you I will always be here and thanks for always sticking with me through the good and bad days. I love you so much baby. See you in a couple of hours
-Bryan 🤍

Damn this mans really making me want to cry! NO! I can't I have to get ready

Damn this mans really making me want to cry! NO! I can't I have to get ready

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4 hours later

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4 hours later

Since I had family issues and just problems with family things. My brother walked me down the isle. "I'm so happy for you y/n" Logan said as he grabbed my arm "thank you Logan" he walked me down and kissed my cheek before I stepped up to Bryan. "You look beautiful baby" I blushed A LOT "you look ver handsome Bub" he grabbed my hands

Skip to the end
"I do" I said as Bryan put the ring in my finger. "You May now kiss your bride" we both smiled and he grabbed my waist and kissed me. "I love you" "I love you more"

After the main part. At the party part of it

We were all dancing having lots of fun. We did the cake and presents and I got kinda mad at my brother because he bought something really expensive but I still love him. During the slow dance he kept kissing my neck and telling me he loves me. By the end of the night I was tired and happy

Back at the house

"So....honeymoon" I jumped onto B after we both changed "hmmm where do you want to go" "I don't know but I don't want to go on a cruise" we both sat there for a couple minutes thinking "how about a really long road trip. Just us two and we can go wherever you want." I nodded and kissed him. "I" kiss "love" kiss "you" kiss "so" kiss "much" kiss. He did that like three times and I started laughing. "I can't wait until we have kids. Then I can spoil the shit out of you guys." "Bryan!" "What! I'm serious" he hugged me and kissed me again. It turned into a heated make out. His hand started going down my body and up my shirt. He took my shirt off and I unbuttoned his....

I'm not putting it all into one part sorry!!

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