Friends and promises

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"So you were just going to leave without saying goodbye" I looked over and saw my brother, Cameron and Tristan. "I'm so sorry guys I-" "No stop it. Y/n we should've known okay you were hurting and me of all people didn't even notice and I'm your brother! I'm sorry I wasn't here for you but I'm happy Bryan was" He walked over to me and hugged me forever!! We talked, cried, sat in silence it I missed him and I didn't even think of who I'd be hurting when I did what I did. "I'm sorry. I was being selfish and wanted my pain to go away by didn't think of the pain i would cause others" "no y/n pl-" my brother was soon cut off my Bryan "No stop. Sorry Jack, but don't say sorry. We should've know and I knew something could've happened but I didn't even think of it at that moment okay. And stop saying your selfish!! Please just promise us you won't do it again and talk to us if you ever feel like it" "Yeah exactly what he said y/n. I get it you've had it rough for a while but we need you!!" "I-umm okay"

Bryans POV

"I knew she didn't tell me everything that has happened in the past, but Jack, please I need to know please tell me!" "I-that's not my place to say but I'll say one thing" he sighed and started taking. "When she was about 13-14 her and her best friend Emily, we having a sleepover. And something happened with Emily that day and it was the last thing before it broke her. She ended it that night, in her bathroom and y/n didn't even know. She said she was going to get ready for bed and after 10-15 minutes she went in there and found her, on the ground, not breathing. That was the beginning of it all. Y/n is strong. She's very strong and she does she has rough day weeks and even months but she gets through them she needs you though Bryan. I can't lose her. She my baby sister and I'd be lost without her okay. I need you to promise me you'll take care of her!!" I had tears in my eyes at that point. "I-oh yeah. I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect her and take care of her. She means so much to me and I wish she didn't have to go through all of this she doesn't deserve it and as much as she thinks she does, she doesn't! It hurts to see her go through this. I wish she didn't have to!" He just hugged me and we talked a little more then went into the room again.

When we got back in there, Cameron was laying at the edge of the bed and Tristan was hyper asf making y/n laugh. Even though she couldn't do a lot we still had fun with them until the has to go back. Right before they left Jack pulled me aside to talk again while y/n hugged Cameron and Tristan. And told them goodbye.

Ugh this sucks. Sorry about it but I haven't really had time or motivation but more updates will be sooner rather than later!😌 Also I didn't proof read this!!😂

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