Past and present relationships

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"Hey babygirl. Miss me" it almost felt like a dream when he said that and I was upset and mad he was here. "What do you want Dom. And why is Alex here too"

*1 month before*

Dom and Alex met each other. They started to become friends and ended up dating. They had all of this planned out they wanted to come to LA and first Alex was going to try to get Bryan back and if it didn't work him and Alex would go see you both.

Present time

Bryan just turned around and started walking away as I tried to close the door but of course Dom stopped me. "Baby wait. I'm sorry about us please come back to me. Bryan doesn't love you anyways and Alex wants B so it would work out. You know he only wants you for your body! He doesn't like you and I can promise that so please..." even though I didn't believe Dom at all I could feel my heart sink. My eyes started watering and I felt Dom's hand on my waist and I finally realized what was happening when he kissed me. "DOM!! Get the hell off of me!! Bryan!!!!" That's when everyone came running downstairs and Chris pushed him off of me and Tyler pulled Alex off of B. It started a fight with all of you and by the time they left you were bleeding and so were the boys. None of them cared about themselves they cared about you and Bryan was pissed off and ai worried because he knew what has happened with you and Dom before. "Baby! Are you okay. I'm so sorry I didn't even know about any of this and I'm sorry Dom kissed you and said what he did to you okay. Don't believe what he said. I love you and I don't want you for your body. I want you because I love you and so much more." I started to get up off of the floor but I fell into Bryans arms again and started crying. "I thought that part of my life was done B. I thought him hurting me was done!! I'm sorry Bryan I'm sorry any of this happened maybe he's right and you do belong with Alex after all" Bryan hugged me tighter and kept saying they were wrong and just calmed me down and then helped me clean up the cuts I had on my arms. After he did that he turned on the water for the bath tub, put bubbles in it because why not. And came back into the bedroom and picked me up. When he took me in there he had the lights off with only a couple candles and these LED lights we had around the closet and he had them on a dark purple. "Can I" he asked as he pulled on my shirt. I nodded yes as he pulled off his hoodie off of me. He pulled my pants off to and turned around when I took off my underwear and bra and go into the bath. He turned around and kneeled down to me "I promise they were wrong I'm not leaving you and I'm not better off with Alex I want to live my life with you. I want to start a family with you! I want to be with you I love you so much baby okay" I shook my head yes as he started to get up "wait B please  I don't want to be alone" he sat back down and asked if I want him to come in there with me. I said yes and he got behind me so I was laying on him. And no we didn't do anything!! He kept running his hands up and down my arms and kissing my neck and telling me how much he loved me. I realized his laptop was on the chair so I grabbed it and put it on the edge of the tub and part of the tile and we watched a movie. I felt completely safe with him and even though neither of us had clothes on I knew he wasn't going or try to do anything. And I didn't feel the need to cover myself up because of him. If it was Dom I would've been scared but it's different with him. Bryan whispered in my ear "'re beautiful and I don't know how I got so damn lucky to be with you. I love you so much" he started kissing my neck again and I grabbed his hand "and your handsome babe and I don't know how I got so lucky either. I love you so much" we got out and he wrapped a towel around me and himself and we both got dressed and by that time it was already 4. We both took a little nap but when I woke up Bryan wasn't here and all the boys were gone.

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