The fight

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*2 years later*

Bryans POV

"Why are you so mad at me" she kept waking away so I grabbed her arm "Stop it!!" "Not until you tell me why you're mad at me!!" I didn't even realize how hard I was gripping her arm until I saw her eyes "B-Bryan let me go your hurting me.....BRYAN!! Please stop" I instantly let go and I knew I messed up with that. "B-baby I-I'm sorry but please what's wrong" she looked at me and she looked pissed "You want to know whats wrong!! Fine. Explain to me why the fuck you have Alex's clothes and why her lipstick was on your neck last night after you came back home. I know you were with her either tell me the truth or I'm done" "b-baby it's not what it looks like and it wasn't her and the clothes I have no idea how they got here okay I promise. The lipstick was a random girls, she was crying last night T the bar and when my friends went to get another drink I went and talked to her and her boyfriend left her and I tried to help her but she just cried okay. I didn't do anything" I could tell she didn't believe me and she started to walk away again. "Fine whatever leave then but you know damn well what'll happen if you leave and the fact that you said you'd go back to Dom is even stupider!! So whatever go and just go back to the same state you were in and forget about anything I have ever said or done for you so just GO!!"


I knew he was right but I didn't stop arguing "You really want to go there! Fine then go back to Alex and have fun fucking her and knowing she cheating on you and you still thinking she loves you. Whatever B" I took off the promise ring he got me and threw it at him "At least I'm not the one that had to deal with being hit every d-" "BRYAN?!" The thing was is my friend I could've stayed with us out of town so I have to stay in the house so great. "Fine B I'm done as soon as I can I'm out of here. Fuck you, your the one person I thought that would never say anything about that and especially when we got into a fight I can't believe you."

The next day

I've been ignoring Bryan and I slept on the couch that night. I woke up and Bryan was still sleeping so I started packing and I didn't care if I woke him up. After I packed a little bit I got ready and showered. When I was getting dressed I hit my arm and it hurt more that it should've and when i looked in the mirror I had a bruise and a hand print from B and when he grabbed me. I knew we needed to talk but I just needed a little time. He hurt me and I just needed to stay away from him.

Bryans POV

I woke up and I felt really bad after last night but I gave her space today but tomorrow I'm taking to her. The day went by really slow and I missed her. I missed being able to hug her. To hold her and cuddle her and to kiss her. I missed my baby. After dinner I didn't go live that night but the others did. Y/n looked so sad and I just wanted to hug her but I didn't. I realized she has my hoodie on still and the necklace but she didn't put the ring back on. At about 3 in the morning I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs and I heard crying and I knew who it was. I went to the bathroom and saw her sitting on the floor with her head on her arms. I knelt down and grabbed her hand "baby? I'm sorry I didn't mean that I didn't mean to say it okay. I know your not going to forgive me right now and I don't know how long it will be but please I'm so sorry. I love you so much!" She looked up at me and I wanted to kiss her so bad and just comfort her but she was still mad at me


After he said that I looked at him and looked back down. He started to walk away but I grabbed his arm and pulled him down and hugged him. "I'm sorry B it's my fault I shouldn't have accused you of cheating and it's my fault we got into the fight I'm sorry." "No babe it's my fault only don't be sorry it just shows you care and I'm sorry about hurting you I saw your arm and I didn't mean to I love you and I won't ever hurt you again but I'll give you space if you want it." I hugged him tighter so he wouldn't get up. "No B please I'm sorry. Can we please just go to sleep I'm tired and don't want to argue anymore" he picked me up and brought me upstairs and put me on the bed. When he laid down I cuddled up to him and I could smell his cologne and felt him kissing my head so I looked up and he kissed me. I reached over him to a night stand and grabbed the ring he got me and put it back on and we went to bed. But before we promised that he won't ever say anything about my past again and I said I wouldn't say anything about alex or cheating.

I might make another part later tonight but if not I'll do two parts tomorrow

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