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I texted Bryan when I couldn't find him or the boys

Hey where are you baby

Chris made me go with him to get things for the live tonight because Zach said it's date night with the lives again and I didn't want to wake you up I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'll be home in an hour or so

Okay it's fine baby I just didn't know where you were. It's fine as long as you're okay

Okay baby I love you. See you when I get home

Love you too

I decided to get a snack and watch Grey's Anatomy until they got home. When they did there were about 3 hours until they had to go live and Bryan wanted me to go live with him tonight which meant I had to dress up.

My dress

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My dress

My dress

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And hair

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And hair

When I went downstairs the boys were already live and Bryan hasn't seen me yet. When I came downstairs Tyler saw me first and came up to me. "Damn y/n you look beautiful" he grabbed my hand "thank you Tyler." He could tell I was nervous "what's wrong" "Bryan wants me to be with him but what if his fans don't like me or start hating on either of us because of me. What if his fans hate me" "Hey they're not going to hate you. I promise and if they do they're not Bryans real fans okay. So go over and sit with Bryan and be the queen we all know you are" you laughed a little bit and went and sat with Bryan. You put your arms around his neck and he grabbed your arms and pulled you around him so you were in front of him. "Hey baby. You look beautiful damn!" You stared blushing as Bryan kissed you.

The night was almost over and a slow song came on and Bryan got up and grabbed your hand. "Can I have this dance" you loathed a little bit and said yes and stood up. He had his arms around your waist and your arms were wound his neck and your head was on his shoulder. "I love you so much y/n. You make me so happy and you brought out the side of me that I forgot about. I'm sure Chris had already said this but before me and you were together and when we were just friends I was always so worried about work and never had taken time for myself and I was crabby and just not fun to be around. But after us that all changed. I have so much fun with you and every time I'm with you I think *Damn I can't wait to marry this girl one day. How did I get so Lucy to be with you* I love you so much baby" you hugged him lighter and felt butterflies throughout your entire body. "Bryan I love you so much and how you say I am to you you are that and way more to me. Before all of this happened I was in a really bad relationship and you knew that and I thought I would never be able to be lived again and there were so many times I thought of ending it all. Because I thought I'd be stuck with him forever and it just kept getting worse and after him we were able to get even closer and closer than we were before he made me cut you off and you made me feel like I mattered and you showed me I could be loved again. I want to spend my life with you Bryan!! I want our kids to grow up with you as their father and I just want you Bryan!! I love you so much more that I can even explain" he pulled away from you and put his hand on your cheek and kissed you. You both forgot about the live until Zach said something and you both sat back down until the lives ended. "I meant to say this earlier but can we promise each other to be completely honest for everything, and I don't think that your lying about anything I just want you to promise me that won't change" you looked at him and grabbed his hands again and sighed.
"Bryan...I haven't been completely honest with you about my past and when he made me cut you off. There's so much more you don't know" "wait what! y/n please tell me I want to help you. Please" "I-uhh fine but not here" you grabbed his arm and took him outside and stated waking up the hill and stopped when you weren't by the house and sat on a rock and started to tell Bryan...

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