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"B your going to make a mess sto-" "oops" the dumbass turned on the freaking mixer on high and made a mess. "Bryan!!" "Yes..." "Your stupid" I said laughing at him and he pretended to be offended. After we put the cupcake liners in the pan thing we put the batter in it and Bryan put some on my face when I turned around. I hate him sometimes 😂 "Bryan what was that for!!" "Mhmm" he did it again. "Bryan Austin Williams! Stop it" just then Chris walked into the room "Ooo she used your full name B, you are in TrOuBlE" "Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N no!" "Fine." I stared to walk upstairs to the bedroom but he grabbed me and picked me up and brought me back to kitchen and I tried to run him...uhh yeah that did work. "Sit down!" He was now pouting "Not until you give me a kiss and wipe this off my face"
He wiped it off then kissed me "Ewww get a room" "Stfu Chris. Go find Tyler" Bryan said laughing at him while he kissed me again.

After the cupcakes were done we ate some, watched a movie and then went swimming. Bryan jumped in and grabbed me and pulled me towards him when I tried to swim away. I turned around I I was facing him and wrapped my arms and legs around him while he walked into the deep end. "I love you y/n" " I love you too Bryan" he looked into my eyes and started getting closer to me until he kissed me. After a couple minutes my phone kept going off so I answered it and it was Cameron.
Y:Hey Cam
C:Hey how are things with you and B and I'm sorry about it all it was a joke and I hope he knows that I really m sorry if something happened
Y:No Cam you fine w-
B:We're okay Cameron and she explained it I'm not mad and I only said ty at to get her back because we needed to talk. Im sorry

Hey grabbed my waist again and started kissing down my neck while he had his hands on my thighs
C:Okay well I'm happy everything's okay
Y:Thank you but I'll call you later by Cameron
C:Bye. Bye Bryan
B:Bye Cameron

I tilted my head up to look at Bryan as he kept kissing me. "B your brother is right there. No." "If we are quiet he won't hear us" his hands started going up my waist and I started think of my past and freaked out and stared panicking. "Bryan stop please!! Please just no." I got away from him and he realized wasn't okay. "Hey...hey its okay your okay. I'm sorry you know I wouldn't do that okay. I'm sorry. Hey look at me. Breathe.... you will be okay. Come on let's get out and go to our room" I was shaking and crying so much that Bryan picked me up and brought me inside after we dried off. He set me down on the bed and grabbed me some dry and clean clothes. I didn't even realize it until B said something but my arms were crossed over my chest trying to cover myself up. "Hey its okay I can leave okay." "No b your fine. I-I'm sorry" "it's okay I promise. Here out these on so your not wet anymore." I changed and so did he and I got in bed. Soon after Bryan did to and I cried in his chest for a while as he played with my hair. "I'm sorry B it just freaked me out. I don't want you to have to deal with me and my problems. I wish this never happened and you didn't have to do this. You deserve someone who's not like me and has had the past I did. Someone who's not...broken..." he didn't say anything and I took it as he knew I was right and I knew he didn't want to deal with me.

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