"Break up"

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Bryans POV

"I KNEW IT!" As soon as I saw the picture my heart sank and I got so mad but I'd don't really care. I threw my phone in the bed and Chris came in. "Bryan wtf is wrong" "y/n! She's fucking cheating!!" "What!" You showed him your phone and he thought the same thing. "Dude call her" he gave me my phone back. "I did and she won't answer. "Then tell her over texts I'm sorry Bro"

Y/N 😒💔

We're over
I'm done

Wait what why

You know why

Bryan what are you taking about

How about you ask Cameron

Bryan that was a joke. We were playing a game and Tristan dared me to I'm sorry

Mhmm whatever. I'm done

Can we please not do this now B. If I have to I
will fly out to LA so we can talk please


Bryan please. I know we weren't okay last night but please B I need you

Should've thought about that before this. It's not my fault YOU did this not me.

No B please. I'll be back in LA in two days I bought a plane ticket please B 🥺

No. Now goodbye y/n I'm sorry but no

As soon as I sent that last text I lost it. I broke down and I couldn't help it. Part of me believes her but I don't know.


"He didn't even ask me what happened. He immediately thought I was cheating now is that fair. He can cuddle all of his girl friends but as soon as I even hug on of my guy friends he flips out and thinks I'm cheating!! I'm going back home in two days I-I'm sorry guys. I knew I shouldn't have come back" I started to get up but T grabbed my hand "no stay your not leaving like this we still have tomorrow okay. And plus I leave In less than a month so if you really need me I'll be in California in 3 weeks. I don't even know who I'm going to be living with so who knows I could be really close to you."

Back in LA

I ran into the house and no one was home well I thought no one was home so I went into the room I shared with Bryan and as soon as I opened the door I saw him sitting on the floor crying and a picture of us on the floor. Shit I fucked this up bad. "B-Bryan" he looked up at me and all I wanted to do was hug and kiss him but if I even tried he would push me off of him. "Please nothing happened. We were messing around and it was a dare okay. If you look at the picture you can see Tristan and Alaina in the back laughing baby pl-" I couldn't even finish my sentence because he kissed me. "Baby....I know I did that to get you to come back and yes I was dying and upset but just then I wasn't upset about that I was upset because I knew I messed up before you left okay I'm sorry" "you mean to tell me you just made me fly out here so you can apologize for the fight and made me think I lost you!! Are you stupid" "Maybe.." I just laughed at him "I hate you so much right now B" "mhmm totally. So why are you letting me kiss you then kiss if you hate me. Or letting me do this..." He picked me up and started kissing my neck. He kept kissing my neck and eventually found the sweet spot on it.
"B-Bryan w-we can't. Not r-right now" "Okay" "I really am sorry about the picture. I love you" "I love you too and I'm sorry about what happened before and while you were home" he put me down on the counter and grabbed a cake mix. "What are you doing" "making cake come on" I laughed and got off the counter and stated helping him.

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