Finding out the secrets

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"H-hey guys" I looked at them and they all looked sad. Bryan just looked like he wanted to cry and I felt so bad. "Baby? Why aren't you coming back" he sighed and I just wanted to hug him so bad. "Because. Because I can't B. So much shit has happened in the past year and a half and I haven't been home dealing with it. I was in California when my brother died. He got into and accident and I wasn't here! Okay I need a break! Please just give me 3 months okay and we will make long distance work.....if you even want to stay with me" I whispered the last part but he still heard me. "Y/n! Of course I want to make this work and I understand about staying but please promise me you will come back! Please" Chris butted in to. "Y/N the house doesn't feel the same without you here. We all used to have fun and you used to put a smile on everyone's face but now it's different" "He's right. Chris and Bryan, mainly Bryan, have been different. And you know me I'm the one who wants to have fun but they don't want to. Please just come back when you're ready" "I know Tyler I know. And Chris I'm sorry okay. And I promise I will come back. Just give me 3 months at the most okay. And B don't go an-" "I would never. I knew what you were going to say I'm not going to"

We talked for a little bit before Logan came into my room.

Logan's POV

I heard her talking about how Jack was in an accident but he wasn't. I didn't want to tell her the truth but I'm going to now. "Hey cam I talk to you" I was so scared about telling her "yeah, I'm jutting you guys" (it didn't mute) "Jack wasn't in an accident.....I couldn't tell you then what actually happened but....umm, he went out with friends that night just to have fun. They were all waking down an alley when he saw 3 older, bigger men.  2 were holding down a young teenage girl while the other man was taking her clothes off. She was screaming and crying and he pushed him off of her and she got away with Andrew and Sean. But he didn't. He died saving a girl from being raped! He died a hero okay. They didn't realize who the girl was at first but when they got back to the house, Jack was there at that time he was hurt badly but still alive, they realized it was it was Jacks ex. Jack died within a couple hours and he didn't want to go to the hospital but when I got home I took him I didn't care. He died saving her and I know I should've told you but he did a good thing. Just think what If that was you wouldn't you want someone to help you" "Logan, I once was that girl. The girl who was raped and beat. The girl who went through hell and came out stronger. Mom died because of me. She killed (the ex) and was found not guilty but I went to a mental hospital. After I was released they told me she was dead but they wouldn't tell me how. I heard Cameron taking to someone about it and she committed suicide because of me. So yes I know how it feels to be that girl. Mom saved me and died because of me." My heart broke. I never knew this. "H-how long did this happen for" "3 years. Until mom killed him which was like 6 months before she died" I hugged her and she just gripped onto me and cried. I felt so bad. She went through all of this without our help. I wish I would've known. "I-I'm so sorry. I d-didnt know I wish I could've helped you" I looked up at her phone and saw Bryan Chris and Tyler and their faces were white and crying. Shit I don't think they were supposed to hear that. "Look at your phone. It wasn't muted" I whispered and she immediately turned around.


"I-umm bye" "No y-" Bryan started to say hey I ended the call. "Umm can I be alone for a little bit Logan" he left and I didn't know what to do so I just sat there and looked at pictures of me and Jack. I missed him so much.

I haven't left my room in over a week. My rooms a mess and I need to shower but I don't have the motivation to do so. Logan keeps checking on me but other than that I haven't talked to anyone.
57 missed calls from Bryan
18 missed calls from Chris
10 missed calls from Tyler
167 texts from Bryan, Chris and Tyler
And Cameron Tristan and the girls just left me alone because they knew I needed it. I finally decided to go out of my room and I heard voices from downstairs. They were familiar too.
"I need to see her please Logan. I knew a lot of that because she told me but some of it I didn't know. Can I please go a see her." "No I'm sorry just giver her a couple more days" Logan said. "Why didn't she tell us. I mean I get it why she told you but- never mind it's fine" "Has she ate anything or even come ou-" "what's going on" the three boys had their back faced to me. Once they turned around I ran and jumped on one of them. "Omg I missed you!!" "I'm so happy your here. But how much did you hear on the phone" I looked at him and then and Chris and Tyler and the looked down. "Everything" Bryan hugged me and kissed my head. "It's okay baby. You'll be okay!"

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