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After we got back home I kept getting sick all the time and I realized by period was late too. So Bryan went to the store to get me pregnancy tests.

Once he got home I went to the bathroom and did what I had to do and now we wait.

10 minutes later
We were both in the bathroom. I was sitting on the counter and Bryan was in between my legs hugging me. I was so scared about this all. We both wanted a baby but now that it could be happening it's scary. "Babe" he whispered in my ear "hmm" "we need to look at them. Please" I sighed and jumped down. I took 2 tests so we both had one. "Okay" "3" he was quiet about this "2" I was shaking at that point "1. flip them" it took a second to realize it. "Omg..." I almost screamed but I didn't "b-baby!!" He looked at me and I was crying "I'm pregnant!!" He picked me up and spun me around, kissed me and my stomach. "Holy shit!!! We're going to be parents!! Omg!!" "B? Can we tell the boys....LATER" "yeah but why!" He looked confused "because I don't want them to get excited and then something could happen or it wasn't an accurate test." He understood and hugged me again. "We are going to be parents!!"

A little over a week passed and I decided to take another one just to be sure and B was with me too. It was positive so we decided to tell the boys.

First was Chris. We told him that we were going to play 2 truths and a lie.
"Okay my turn 1.uhh Me and Bryan are married. 2.I'm going home for a little bit and 3. I'm pregnant" Chris looked confused because he knew I wasn't going "home" but he didn't think I was pregnant. "Uhh it's 2 Truths not 2 lies" "I know Chris..." he looked at Bryan and Bryan just shrugged but put his hand on my belly. "N-no!! Are you joking?!" I shook my head no. "Wait!! You're pregnant!!! Omg!! I'm an uncle!!" He was jumping up and down and hugged me and Bryan. "Just so you know. In nine months you will be loved and spoiled by so many people!!" He was kneeled down and talking to my stomach and it was cute.

Next was Tyler. This one we decided to do on live. It was B's idea and even though I was scared to we still did it. They were just talking and Bryan called me over to them. "So how does it feel to be married" Tyler said to both of us because the live kept asking "amazing but it's even better knowing she's pregnant..." he didn't catch on for a couple seconds and the realized what he said. "Wait!!! What? Did I hear you right. You're pregnant?! Omg congrats!!!!!" He did the same thing Chris did but the live was also going crazy. The rest of the night was a lot of fun and the boys just kept hugging me randomly but Bryans were normal but I liked it. We called my brother and friends along with Bryans family and told them and they were all happy for us.

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