The end

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The bay was born and you had a baby girl. As promised Bryan, Chris and Tyler spoiled you both and you loved it but also felt bad.

5 years later.
You and Bryan had moved out of the house and got your own house. By then you had another baby, a baby boy, and he was 3. You all had fun with each other. All the boys separated and we didn't really talk to anyone from home. I only talked to Tristan and Logan but I lost touch with everyone else. Tyler was engaged and Chris was married. Logan was already married and his wife was pregnant. Chris always helped us out when ever we needed it. Everyone was supper close with each other and our kids were all best friends. Yeah me and Bryan fought sometimes but we always got through it and I'm so happy I have him in my life.


So I already started another story I just haven't published any parts. That will be soon though. Sorry to cut this short I just wanted to end it but yeah!

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