Break up

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When Bryan kissed me I didn't mind it. I've known I've liked him for a while but I didn't tell him because of Dom and he's my best friend and I didn't think he liked me like that. It felt like time had stopped well until Dom came in. "I knew it!! I knew you liked him! And you told me you didn't!!" Dom said while walking over to you and Bryan very angry "Dom stop! You don't get to tell me who I can and can't hang out with okay he's my best friend and so what if I have feelings for him I told you I was done!!" "Wait Y/n what!! You have feelings for me" "shit" you whisper but Bryan could still hear you "yes B I do okay and I get it your my best friend so you most likely don't like me like that" I didn't even realize Dom getting closer to me until he hit me

Bryans POV

"what the fuck Dom!! What is wrong with you!!" He tried to hit her again but I grabbed his hand and got up and pinned him against the wall "don't you ever!! And I mean ever touch her again oh I swear to god I will kill you Dom! Now get the fuck out of the house!!!" I pushed him out of the room and Locked the door and went back and hugged Y/n as she started crying.

Bryan was holding you while you were crying and he kept rubbing your back


"I'm sorry B I didn't want this to happen it's my fault I fuck up everything I'm sorry!" "What no you don't it's fine he had no reason or right to hit you and he never will step foot in this house again okay!!" Bryan hugged me even tighter and I started to calm down a little bit. I looked up at him and I got lost in his eyes and before I could even move he kissed me again

Bryans POV

I looked down at her and as I wiped her cheeks I leaned down and kissed her. She put her hand on my neck and pulled me closer to her before I knew it we were making out and neither of us cared. I felt her one hand on my back and the other playing with my hair while I had my hand on her neck and her thigh. "B-Bryan wait!" she pulled away from me "what did I do something" "No it's just...I can't tell if your doing this because you feel bad and it's just all happening or not" "listen I have wanted to tell you for so long that I like you and when I say not like Love you I mean it babes okay!! You make me a better version of myself and I need and want you and more than as a friend"

*Skip a couple months*

You and Bryan are dating and you woke up earlier than Bryan and when you checked Instagram you saw this....


Liked by itschriswilliams ,thetylerschrage and 29870 others Bryanwilliams24 All I think about is you

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Liked by itschriswilliams ,thetylerschrage and 29870 others
Bryanwilliams24 All I think about is you...all day everyday! I love you!!!
Itschriswilliams:Awww y'all are so cute!!
Thetylerschrage:Damn @itschriswilliams why aren't we like that!!!
Y/@:🥺💜 I love you so much
Dreamlafanpage:Wait so we're not going to talk about the fact that that's a girl and someone commented I love you!!
Bryanwilliams.fp:wait who is that B!!


I woke up Bryan after a while by kissing him. He groaned and grabbed my waist and pulled me down onto him "Baby stop! We have to get up" I say laughing and he's attacking me with kisses "why can't we just lay here all day and cuddle!!" "I don't know B but come on we have to get ready if you want to take more pictures of us together or..."
"Nope I'm up!!" He jumped out of bed and kissed me and we both got ready for the day

*After pictures*

We both came back home and ate and we changed our clothes so we were more comfortable
Your outfit

We both came back home and ate and we changed our clothes so we were more comfortable Your outfit

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And you put you hair in a messy bun

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And you put you hair in a messy bun

And you put you hair in a messy bun

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Bryan had changed into this

After you were done changing you and the boys left to go to a drive in movie. You went to see "Grease". You Bryan and Chris were in the back of his car and the rest were in the back of Tylers. You had fallen asleep on Bryan so Chris grabbed a blanket and gave it to Bryan so he could cover you up. Not long after did Bryan fall asleep and then Chris. Tyler woke them all up after the movie but let you sleep so Bryan picked you up and brought you in the car.
*The next day*
You woke up to see that Chris had posted and when you looked at it you smiled and looked at the comments but that smile soon turned into tears and Bryan came into the room...

"He's just a friend" Or is he...Where stories live. Discover now