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Bryans POV
After last night I knew she would be sore but I also felt bad because of it. So before we left the house and began our road trip, I made sure I packed something special for her and just got little things for her.

When I woke her up it was about 4:30 am. I don't know why she wanted me to wake her up now but she did.

"Baby.....babe....bub....*Sighs*wifey?" She says up and rubbed her eyes. "Mhmm" I laughed a little before her realized why she was up and stood up, and stared to get ready. She changed into her spandex, a T-shirt (mine) and my hoodie. She put her hair up in a messy hut and grabbed her shoes and we went I the car. I had already packed last night so everything was ready.

We drive around a lot and went shopping. It was a fun time. When we got to a hotel she was asleep in the car so I checked us in and immediately the guy at the front desk gave me a weird vibe so I made sure we just got the things we actually needed and left the other things in the car. I woke y/n up and told her about the guy and sure enough, when we walked through the doors into the hotel he was staring at her. "Baby" she whispered in my ear. "What are you okay" she shook her head no so we started walking faster to the room. Once we got into the room I locked the door and y/n went right to bed.

During the night I kept hearing knocking on the door but I ignored it until there was a loud bang that woke up both of us. I looked through the hole and no one was there but i had a feeling and I knew we needed to leave. "Come on we're going" she didn't argue and just for up. "Leaving so soon" the guy at the front desk said but I ignored him and walked, almost ran out with

Other than that night it was a lot of fun. And when we went home it was about 2-3 weeks later. When we got back Chris came and hugged us both and same with Tyler. We all talked until y/n suddenly ran to the bathroom I followed her and she was throwing up. I had her hair back and tried to help her too. We just went to bed and I didn't care because we are both tired asf. But I had a feeling like something was going to happen. It wasn't a bad feeling but like something good was going to happen but I didn't pay attention and went to sleep.

A/N: I'll be making 1-3 more parts today. And the book/story will also be done soon so yeah. Sorry for not updating for a little bit. Online school was harder so yeah but other parts will be soon!!!

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