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*2 years later*

Today I was supposed to hang out with Bryan for the day because he was going out with friends tonight and I have been working so I haven't really been with him but no Bryan was playing video games with Chris and Tyler and ignoring me.

He ignored me
Y:Baby can you please look at me
B:What do you want
Y:Can you please take a break you'll be with them tonight please I barley see you anymore because of work
I sat on the bed in my phone for a little bit until Chris and Tyler came back into the room and I tried to talk to them

Y:Hey guys
Ty:Go away
C:We're with B just leave
Y:Baby can I please talk to you

I tried to hug him but he pushed me off of him.
B:OMG Y/N! Stop being so damn clingy okay!! Leave me alone!!  He turned around again and continued to play and I didn't want to talk because he scared me a little bit. I started to get hungry so I was going to go get some food so I quietly asked them what they wanted so I wouldn't piss them off they told me what they wanted and when I got back home after I got the food they were still ignoring me.
Y:Here baby
C:Is she gone yet
Ty:B can't she go
Y:I-umm I'm going to go and pack because I'm leaving tomorrow to go home to see family and that's why I wanted to be with you but no I'm  not important anymore. Bye...

I walked out of the room but heard them all talking about me
B:Damn she's gone
Ty:What is he issue
B:I don't know but she's being annoying and it's pissing me off.

I decided not to pack right then and I just laid in the bed crying and I don't even know what I did to him. I heard him come into the other room and grab his hoodie and shoes and looked at me ty he rolled his eyes and left. I decided to call Tristan once they left

Y:H-hey T
T:Aww bubs what's wrong
I explained everything to him and he talked to me for a little bit and I heard them come back home so I ended the call and acted like I was asleep and I wish I didn't because they started saying things again. My own boyfriend and his brother like what. They know a lot about me and now they're just going to be a bitch about it. Wow!
Y:OMG! Fine B I'll go into the other room. Sorry that I just wanted to be with you for the last time for 3 months. Whatever go out with them again and have fun it's not like I matter to you so have fun while I'm not here.

I went into the other room, slammed and locked the door and started crying again. I didn't sleep that night and as I was getting ready to leave I looked into Bryans room and he was sleeping and I didn't even bother waking him up to say goodbye. I didn't leave a note because he knew I was leaving and didn't care so whatever.

*Back home*

When I landed I texted Tristan saying I landed and he said he was by the gates. I got my things and when I saw him I ran to him and hugged him.
T:Hey y/n I missed you!!
Y:I missed you too Bub!! 
T:How we things with you and Bryan.
Y:He didn't wake up to say bye to me. He didn't care that I was upset and that I was leaving so I left without saying anything to him I didn't write a note or text him. He knew I was leaving and didn't care but I'm here so I want to have fun.
T:Okay let's go then!!

Bryans POV

Damn I knew I shouldn't have been so rude earlier but I honestly didn't know she was leaving until later. I wanted to help her but she locked the door so I couldn't get in and I thought I had sent an alarm to see her in the morning but it didn't go off. She left. She left without saying anything to me and honestly I deserved it but I felt really bad. I tried to call her and text her but she was ignoring me and I knew she was because she was still posting on her socials so I left her alone.



@y/u/n:Ahhh!! I can't believe I'm back with these psychos!! Let the adventures begin!!!

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@y/u/n:Ahhh!! I can't believe I'm back with these psychos!! Let the adventures begin!!!

*Comments disabled *

(Best friends/ friends
Jack-your brother)

L:Soo how's life been
A:How's Bryan
Y:Uh it's been okay and Bryan...uhh Bryans ignoring me and I don't know why. He blew up on me last night and didn't even wake up to say goodbye to me today
C:Wait you didn't wake him up how
J:Yeah your loud asf how didn't he wake up
Y:Oh shut up Jack. I didn't wake him up because I slept in the other room because he told me too
Y:But I don't want to talk about it what about you guys.
J:Well I got a job and I am engaged
Y:Omg!! Jack I'm so happy for you!!!
L:Me and Luke broke up but do you remember Eric well we are together
A:I have a boyfriend and graduated surprisingly
Y:Oh shush Alaina I knew you would and I happy for you guys. Tristan Cameron what about you
T:Nothing too excited but I'm moving to LA I got an offer to join a house with a lot of other creators but I'll also be closer to you.
(I know Tristan was in the other parts but he want apart of the house I the story so that's why I'm saying this)
C:Ehh nothing really happened but whatever
Y:Well I'm happy for all of you and Cam I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with us.
J:Anyone want ice cream!!

At the ice cream place

You all sat in the bed of your brothers truck and talked and had a lot of fun together. You drove around almost all night until you stopped at this old field where you always used to go as a kid and had a bon fire. You ended up falling asleep and so did Lexi and Cameron. Tristan woke up Lexi. Alain woke up Cameron and he wasn't happy and your brother just let you sleep but picked you up and put you into the car. Bryan kept on calling you but you didn't want to answer and Cameron woke you up to tell you to turn it off and you did. But Bryan called again so he grabbed the phone and answered it
Y:Cam don't stop!! No don't answer please CAM-
C:Please stop calling her she doesn't want to answer okay.
B:Uhh who are you
C:I'm Cameron and I know all about you Bryan so leave her alone for right now
J:Cam give it back
B:Y/n I'm sorry okay can we please talk.
Y:I'm in the car with 5 people. Do you really want to talk in front of them all because I will gladly do it and don't be surprised if it starts an argument.
T:I wouldn't do that
J:Y/N stop! Don't do this okay just leave it alone and Bryan stop.
B:Who the hell are you- y/n why are you with all guys
Y:Because I can be and there's 2 girls here too so stop. I can hang out with who I want to. You don't get to boss me around especially after last night you really think you can be a bitch to me and ignore me then boss me around umm no
B:Who are they!! I swear to god if your Che-
Y:If I'm cheating? Really B you really don't trust me.
B:No I do
Y:Bryan!! Tristan and Cameron are my friends and you know Tristan and Jack is my fucking brother!! Goodbye
B:Baby wa-
-call ended-

Everyone was silent for a little bit until you asked Jack to go home. He took you home and everyone just stayed the night and you were upset and Chris, Tyler and Bryan all tried to get ahold of you but you knew it's because of B and he felt bad so you left it alone.

Y:Guys...I have a question
Y:Can you help me make him jealous
J:I don't think that's a good idea but sure
*You had Cameron put on hoodie and you cuddled up to him and he had his hand on your thigh and the other on your butt and your hand you on his chest and Lexi took the picture. You knew Bryan followed T so he posted it. Bryan saw it and blew up your phone and you just started laughing until he said...
C:What's wrong
L:Girl you okay
T:What just happened y/n
Y:Umm w-we fucked up. I-I shouldn't have
do-one that. Shit!!
I started crying and that's when Jack grabbed my phone and he hugged me.

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