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"Hmm" I mumbled, not really knowing what was happening.

"Clarke wake up."

"What?" I asked again, still pretty out of it.

I felt a warm breath close to my face and then something wet on my cheek.

"Lex" I mumbled, still not really awake.

I heard some giggling and then felt some sloppy wet kisses all over my face. No they weren't quite kisses. It was more of a wet feeling. Either way, I smiled, happy to have such a sweet wake up.

"Hey, you're tickling me Lex."

"That's not me Clarke." Lexa's voice called out from beside me. I opened my eyes quickly to find Chewy in my lap, as he licked me all over my face.


I looked to my right to see Lexa, Madi and Aden, all standing outside of the car, laughing their heads off. I guess I fell asleep during the end of the car ride and we have made it to Abby and Marcus's place.

"Not cool guys." I sighed, picking up Chewy and handing him to Lexa who was practically crying from laughing so hard.

"Come on kids lets go inside." I said, sticking my hands out for Madi and Aden to grab. We all walked to the front door of the house with
Lexa and chewy behind us. When we got to the door, I knocked and waited for someone to answer. In almost no time at all, I saw Abby and Marcus pull open the door, grins spread across both of their faces.

"Madi! Aden! We missed you two so much!" Abby exclaimed, bending down and bringing the kids into a hug, which Marcus quickly joined.

"We missed you too!" Madi and Aden chorused together, looking happier than I had seen them in a while.

After the adorable reunion, Madi and Aden both looked to Marcus who smiled and nodded and the kids took off inside. I have absolutely no idea what that suspicious little interaction meant, but I didn't have time to think about it as Marcus and Abby were now approaching Lexa and I.

"Clarke, Lexa, dog." Marcus smiled, greeting Lexa and I. When Abby heard Marcus say dog, she spun around quickly and her eyes widened when she saw the young puppy.

"Abby, Marcus, I'd like you to meet Chewy." Lexa said, sticking the dog out for Abby to hold.

She quickly grabbed the dog and Marcus moved so he could pet him too.

"I didn't know yall got a dog. Is he friends with Harold or something?" Marcus asked us, not even making eye contact, so focused on the adorable puppy in Abby's arms.

Actually, we found him on the way here." I explained, moving to stand next to Lexa again. "We should probably take him to the vet tomorrow morning to make sure he's ok, but he seems underfed and thirsty so we can handle that first." I added, so delighted, watching Abby and Marcus with their obvious fondness for the new animal.

Suddenly Abby put Chewy down and he ran inside to go find the kids.

"Come here girls, I need my hugs." Abby smiled, arms open for us.

I looked to Lexa and saw her smiling like a total idiot. It was so freaking adorable. She was the first to move towards Abby and Marcus and get tackled in their aggressive group hug. I joined in shortly after.

When we were done greeting each other, we all went into the house and shut the door behind us. This is going to be a fun weekend.

I walked into the living room to see Madi and Aden  staring at something on the table. Lexa and I walked up to the table curiously, interested to see what the kids were so excited about, and my mouth dropped when I saw what they were looking at. Camping supplies.

Another Family (CLEXA AU)Where stories live. Discover now