40)Important Question

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Harold's pov:

Today I woke up and ate some lettuce and hahaha I'm just kidding. It's going to be Clarke's point of view as always sorry Harold fans

I stared down at the keychain in my hands, watching as the little infinity sign shimmered in the light. It's been a long time since I've held it in my hands and even longer since I've actually needed it. It was around 6 months ago when Lexa confessed her true feelings and gave me this keychain and we've come such a long way since.

Our family is everything I could ever ask for. Aden and Madi...Chewy and Harold...it's perfect. Well maybe not perfect, we have our problems just like every other family but we get through them. I'm sitting outside watching the kids play in the backyard while Lexa goes to run an errand. She didn't say what it was which really raised my curiosity. When I saw the Key chain in my nightstand drawer this morning, I couldn't help but pick it up. After all of this time it still gives me comfort and I love holing it and tracing the infinity sign with my thumb.

Suddenly I got a text from Lexa saying to come to the front of the house with Aden and Madi, so I smiled and put the keychain in my pocket, and grabbed the kids and headed to the front. Lexa was waiting for us in our car, with the windows rolled down and a massive smile on her face. She helped me get the kids in their seat and then we got in the car together.

"Who's ready for their summer surprise?" Lexa asked excitedly.

The kids expressed how excited they were as I gave Lexa a curious look. I could tell by the look in her eyes she was ridiculously happy and I knew that whatever she had put together would be great. The only question was what the hell is it?

Today is the first day of summer for the kids and Lexa knows that, so I already have a slight suspicion about what might be happening. It wasn't until Lexa pulled up to the security gate in front of Firestorm, that I knew my prediction was correct.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" I asked Lexa, wanting to make sure she was.

When we had our first date at firestorm all of that time ago, I had asked Lexa if she had brought Aden and she said she hadn't. It was hard for her to constantly be around her son when she was reminded of that horrible night with Roan at the party. Now though....now she seems so happy and excited for Aden to see her hard work. She has come so far as a mother and I am so insanely proud.

"I am ready." Lexa confirmed, nodding her head.

"The kids are going to love it." I grinned, knowing their reaction was going to be priceless. Lexa had an indoor winter wonderland, what's not to love?

When we walked through the front doors of Firestorm, Titus was standing there waiting for us.

"Hello Clarke, it's nice to see you again."

"You too Titus." I lied. He's not my favorite person in the world but oh well.

"Is everything how it should be?" Lexa asked, leaving out any details that could give the kids and I a hint as to what was happening.

"Yes." Titus confirmed. "You can all head to the bathroom, your clothing is waiting."

"Thank you Titus. Clarke, Aden, Madi, follow me please."

The kids and I did as Lexa had requested and followed her as she lead us to a bathroom. There we found a pile of winter clothes which confirmed my suspicions. We were going in.

Lexa and I helped the kids change first and then we ourselves changed. The kids questioned why we would need such heavy clothes for hot summer weather but Lexa just continued to insist it was a surprise which only made the kids more excited.

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