Chapter 7 - The Blue Spirit & The Painted Lady Mistake

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Katara eyes glittered to the stunning view and with Aang staring he saw how beautiful she was and with eye contract, they both leaned in for a kiss but just like that Sokka was calling 

"ugh not again!" nagged Katara

"don't worry sweetie let me handle it" gestured Aang

Sokka made sure to call Aang for practice for the play and they totally forgot about it and after hanging up they sprinted to their dorm to change and held hands to the stage room

"hi guys what did me and Katara miss?" waved Aang seeing Zuko in full Blue spirit outfit

"oh we were just outfit changing and Katara here change and Aang do her red paint" gestured Suki pushing Katara in the changing room

"err....i getting the red paint" ran Aang to the storage room

Toph on the other hand had used earth bending to practice changing the stage background and Sokka was there nagging her but she was surprisingly ok with it, but on the other hand if it was Katara it be a completely different story and Sokka was a little surpised at that. Zuko was training the moves and Suki was editing the script since there was nothing to do. Then as Katara walked out to see Aang, his eyes sparked and he gestured her to sit down and put the paint on her while being totally flustered and Katara was the same because Aang touching her with his soft and warm hands were so nice to her.


Aang was nearly complete and before he could say anything Katara gave him a passionate kiss, kissing for a few minutes Aang somehow managed to do the rest of the paint blushing madly then he ever did with Katara before. Then the stage was set and before they finished the play ,they made Katara cover Zukos face and hers with Aang glaring with Toph next to him and that's when Katara made eye contract with Zuko who couldn't help but blush and when Sokka screamed cut! it continued for a couple of times before the gang was use to it.


after repeating many times Zuko went to get a drink with Katara..

"do you have stage fright?" Zuko asked

"no, no i don' you?" questioned Katara

"of course not! i am the son of Ozai!" joked Zuko

Katara laughed and when they went back and Aang saw them and he was not pleased and this rehearsal had to happen for a few more days till it was the night to preform. Katara had reassured Aang it was fine by kissing him and doing the finale play on live stage and this time  Zuko get carried away with the mood and kissed Katara on the spot while the hat sheltered them Katara was shocked and walked off stage quickly when it was over and they declared it over and Iroh declared people should vote so they would tell them teh resluts of who won tomorrow

"what was wrong with you Katara, why did you walk off?" questioned Sokka

"i don't want to talk about it, i going back to my dorm" said Katara quickly walking back

Zuko and Suki tryed to go but Aang said he got this covered and followed her

"what did you do Zuko" glared Suki

"i did nothing" Zuko lied

"he lying" Toph pointed

Suki then turned mad and hissed to him to tell them what he did and when he admitted everyone couldn't believe him and they left in disbelief, all but Sokka stayed 

"why, why" Sokka stood there speechless

"i so sorry Sokka i swear i won-"

"no not today" Sokka stormed to catch up with Suki

(i am a idiot why did i kiss Katara ugh why am i so bad at being good!) Zuko banged his head and as always went to Iroh to talk. Meanwhile Aang found Katara crying against her bed then reached in to hug Katara and when he did she hugged him so tight

"why...why i trusted him and he broke my trust...i should have told you earlier Aang... but Zuko confessed but i didn't say i like him back and he apologised but.." said Katara pouring out

"i can't believe he did this" teared Katara

Aang didn't say anything remembering what he said to him before and hugged Katara tightly and kissed her on the forehead.

What was Zuko going to do now?

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