Chapter 15 - Exposed

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"WHAT!!! Sokka! you know i would never do that!" Aang pleaded with Sokka

"i know, i know and plus i don't have the evidence...yet" Sokka crossed his arms

"Anyways theirs this announcement at the hall, let's go check it out" Sokka gestured and Aang nodded and went to the hall

 As they got their, Aang saw Katara and sat next to her and when Sokka saw Suki he sat next to her. Then as the lights went out, the show began. And sure enough it was On Ji dancing with other fire nations students their dance, Aang and On Ji practice dance and to that Aang crossed his arms and looked away even though On Ji looking at him the WHOLE time. And after the performance On Ji gave a speech

"thank you for everyone coming and this wouldn't be possible without my boyfriend" On Ji winked at Aang

And to Toph hearing about her friend and knowing she was lying, she stood up and yelled


everyone looked at her and knew she wasn't lying and started talking about her and Toph sat down and leaned in to Aang

"now to owe me more money"

Aang thanked her a millions thanks and turned back around. Due to On Ji's embarrassment, her friend claimed it was over and a small amount of claps were heard and when it was over Aang sighed and looked at Sokka

"see? i told you" Aang said with a sly look

"ok, ok gotta give you that" Sokka said putting his hand over Suki

The gang laughed about it when they got to the lunch table and later moved on to a different topic

"hey Toph and Katara! we haven't really had a girls night for so long!" Suki exclaimed

"yeah, i started to miss drinking out without any parents nagging me on my phone" Toph said with her feet on the table

"good idea Suki! lets do it! a girls night out! i saw a good restaurant down the street!" Katara said excitedly

"ok! meet at 7 girls!" Suki planned

the boys stared at them confused and Suki looked at them and said

"you boys can have a boys night out" 

the boys agreed, even though being busy that day.


when it 7 the girls were already ready and chatted to their car while Aang was meditating, Sokka was at the gym and Zuko was talking to Iroh in his office drinking tea. The girls got off at the restaurant and drank...a lot and Suki and Toph went to the bathroom to throw up and support each other, so Katara was left alone to pay the check. Then while playing with her drink, a guy come up and sat next to her pushing her

"heyyy beautiful?" he said

"what are you doing here alone?" the guy leaned in closer making Katara uncomfortable

"i...not...a-alone..." Katara found the words to say

"really? i don't see anyone here" teased the guy

he was chubby with black hair and looked like he was in his 50s 

" move" Katara murmured

the man put his hand on her thigh and she said

"sir! i sorry but i have a boyfriend!" Katara said putting his hand of her lap

"not yet ~" winked the man

Katara was disgusted and what made her mad inside was when he payed her check when she could do it and after that she saw Suki and Toph walk out, did they just forget about her! from Suki and Toph's view, they were still drunk and forget their table and thought Katara and that man were a couple and left. Katara tried to resist but being so drunk she couldn't fight him off. Meanwhile while Suki was dozing off on Toph until she murmured 

"where's Katara?" Toph asked looking around

"oh my god! i forgot about her!" Suki gasped

she grabbed her phone and texted Aang to pick her up. Meanwhile on the other hand Katara was trying to walk away but the man kept trying to follow her

"please...stop following me" Katara said looking back and turning back around 

"what wrong, don't you like the attention, c'mon i payed for your mealll?" the man got closer to the point he grabbed her wrist and Katara couldn't make out her surroundings and forcibly took her hand out

"i told you i have a....boyfriend!" she murmured

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT TONE, YOU BELONG TO ME!" the man yelled and as soon as he grabbed Katara's wrist he got pinned to the wall

"what. are. you. doing. to. my. girlfriend."    

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