Chapter 11 - Comfort

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After sharing a kiss Aang stayed by Katara side for a day and when it was the next day, she was strong again and when she was ready she asked Aang to come with her wearing black.

"what for" Aang questioned

"to honour someone really special' Katara replied trying to smile 

Aang looked at her and agreed to stay with her and drove her to her needs. Then as they got to their destination Aang saw that they were honouring her mother and when she gave the speech to her tomb saying she wished that she was there, she hugged Aang really tight, Aang held her hand. And after that Aang drove her back to the hotel to pack up, to go back  to their school again. And when they arrived they found the gang already a step ahead and unpacking.

"how did you get here so fast?" Aang asked

"umm...well while you went somewhere we went here" Sokka replied

"that makes sense" Aang said leaning in to unpack quickly 

The gang then went to the library, all but Sokka, Aang and Katara and when they had finished unpacking they got their school supplies and went to the library to see what had missed the few days. And as always Toph had her feet on the table, Aang and Katara were tutoring eachother, Sokka was trying to prove Suki was wrong about a certain question but was always trying to cover up his mistakes whenever Suki was right. Zuko was also next to Toph with his Air pods listening to music while studying


Then as lunch break came around Sokka was so excited that he got up his feet sprinted to the lunch cafeteria leaving Suki and the others behind but Suki was use to it, she knew Sokka couldn't hide his love for meat and sarcasm. The gang tehn packed their stuff and went to their usual table when Aang noticed a girl with black bangs, along with yellow eyes, just like Zuko, however Aang shook it of and tried to start a conversation because the table was oddly quiet than usual.

"so..Toph and Zuko how was the moive?" Aang asked

"it was good" Toph said quiclky

Zuko looked at her and said " was"

Aang knew that starting a long conversation would be harder than he thought but somehow he managed to get the topic about parents, doing so Aang deeply missed Gyasto...a lot. And when everyone left to go class Aang grabbed Katara wrist

"uh? Aang what is it" Katara turned around

"c-could you come with me to visit Gyasto?" Aang said

"sure! i love too!" Katara's eyes lit up of excitement

Aang blushed and told her after school was dismissed they go to his house just to see what he was doing... to catch up on things. Then after school they both changed and Aang and Katara drove to his house. Then as Aang knocked he noticed the door was slightly opened which made him worry but when Katara noticed this, she tried to tell him

their are windows at your door...maybe he saw the car and recognised us" Katara slightly smiled

Aang tried to smile but he worries grew and grew when he called Gyasto's name louder and louder. Then as it grew louder it was enough for him to spilt up with Katara to look around the house, after Katara was done on the down floor looking for him, she ran up stairs to Aang, but he came up to her

"is he down there?"

Katara shook her head

"well..,i found his phone and he never leaves without it" Aang said starting to tear up

Katara caught him and they both sat down on the stairs 

"i can't believe it, it has to be a dream right" Aang looked at Katara crying 

Katara was speechless and hugged Aang as tight as she could and when he was ready he got his phone and drove quickly to the police station. After explaining the issue the police stated two night before there were calls of struggling and a van closing and speeding away, Aang was lasered focused on the information and knew it has to be one Ozai's agents knowing he knew the avatar. After 3 hours Gyasto was claimed missing and polices made a search party and when Aang drove Katara back she put her hand on his shoulders

"we will find him...i promise" Katara said trying to comfort him

"i hope so Katara i really do.."

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