Chapter 19 - Fun

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Kataang chapter >.<

When the two went back, they realised they should book tickets to the amusement park before the entries were closed and after they did, they met at the lobby and saw the gang ready and when they meet they chatted to the restaurant which wasn't really far from teh hotel and after they laughed and ate(mostly Sokka eating meat) then when it was over they went back to hotel and when Aang and Katara went back to there room they had a little "fun"


Following the morning Aang woke up early and went to get ready and when he went back Katara was waiting for him

"where are you going Aang?" Katara questioned

Aang leaned into her and said

"are we not to going to the theme park?" Aang teased

"oh my! i forget" said Katara getting up and getting ready which made Aang chuckle 

After they were done they plan to have breakfast at the Jasmine Tea Shop and when they sat down they chatted about what they were going to do.

"so Aang! what should we do first?" Katara said holding his hand passionately 

Aang smiled

"probably go to roll coasters then we can win prizes ~" winked Aang

Katara blushed and the two quickly finished their breakfast and went into a taxi to drive them to the amusement park and while they got in they hold hands  and when they arrived they made sure to take pictures, asking passers to do so all the time when they reached an ironic place. They first went on a small ride that was made for the view of the park

"wow Aang look! the view is amazing" Katara pointed

"just like you..." Aang smiled at her

"Aang! stop being cheesy!" Katara kissed his cheek

the people at the back was cheesed out at the young couple. Then after they finished the ride they went to the big rides and when it was close to their turn Katara gulped

"now i look up close it so scary!" Katara leaned in to hug Aang

"haha...never knew a master waterbender is scared of heights" Aang teased

"and your an airbender" pointed out Katara

Aang smiled

"fine, i will hold your hand the whole ride" Aang confirmed to reassure Katara

Katara smiled and when it was their turn, the true man to his promise he held her hand and when the ride started Katara and Aang screamed out of joy to the end. Then after that they planned to eat fairy floss and when they got it Katara was feeding Aang which made him smile. Then after they were done they went to win prizes and Aang ended up winning every prize Katara wanted and after all that she kissed him to show how made she loved him and after they went to have lunch and chatted about the gang an what where they up to.

"i heard they were going to the movies" Aang thought

"well i know for sure Sokka is looking for Suki" Katara joked

the two young lovers laughed and when they were about to head out it started raining and they went to a taxi to drive them to nearby shop (near their hotel) to get an umbrella

"out of all the things you packed you didn't pack an umbrella?" Katara looked in the bag Aang was carrying

"i am your forgetful boyfriend~" Aang winked 

after the two was finished and got the umbrella they also got drinks and an umbrella and went back to the hotel to enjoy the aesthetic of the rain that had fallen and of course doing so while listening to the sweet love song. Then Aang caught a glimpse of Katara smiling and playing with the rain which made him blush and he pulled her close. Katara looking confused till he said

"baby you are my forever girl ❤" Aang winked 

Katara blushed and they shared a classic kiss in the rain.

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