Chapter 1.

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As everyone began sitting down and watched the flames Melisandre has unveiled.

Selyse looks proud of the red priestess' ability for it did not surprise many as the wife of Stannis Baratheon has already converted to the Lord of Light, something Lady Tarly looked rather nervous of seeing her cousin is no longer a follower of the Faith.

Melisandre moved away from the stone and sat not far from Stannis.

"So it's like some sort of 'seeing stone'?" Renly asked around.

With Tyrion agreeing with the King's youngest brother.

"Might as well, better than calling it 'the magic stone' and we are seeing things from said stone," Tyrion responds to the Lord of Storm's End.

The flames show an elderly man with long grey hair and beard, dressed in a grey robe, pointy hat and carrying a brown wooden staff. The elderly man is on his horse looking like he reached his destination and not far from him, are three young men.

The first of the three is dressed in dark blue and red clothing, chainmail can be seen under the clothing, meaning it is armour-like and made for long distances. His bracers have a white tree etched onto them, with seven stars above said tree.

He can be seen carrying a sword, that is strapped to his hip and it looks finely made for a man his age. A round shield of fine detail can be spotted hanging on his back with a leather strap connecting to opposite sides of the shield, making it easier for him to carry.

The young man's features are then shown, he is a man with long auburn hair and a beard that is slowly growing in, his blue eyes can be seen and his attire seems to have further brought out his eyes.

Making contact with the area around him, he appears to be in shock of awe at the sight.

Soon as Ned and Catelyn saw the young man in the flame or what Renly began calling 'the seeing stone'.

They knew the young man is their son Robb Stark, something Sansa, Arya and Bran noticed.

"Is that Robb?" Sansa nervously asks her father.

She barely remembers her older brother, but seeing his auburn hair and blue eyes that are like her own and their mother, Sansa had a feeling the young man in the flames is her brother.

Lord Stark nods to his daughter, for he can see some of his Stark features in his firstborn son, though the Tully colouring nearly hid it completely.

"Aye Sansa, that is Robb. He is built like my older brother, Brandon," Ned answers his firstborn daughter.

"Gods, Ned, that son of yours looks like a true warrior," King Robert said proudly.

Catelyn could not but cry upon seeing her son for the first time in years.

"He has grown so much since I last saw him," Catelyn said sadly once she saw her firstborn son.

"That he has Cat, that he has," Ned says as well, agreeing with his wife.

The second man behind him is dressed in lighter clothing as his friend before him, however, unlike the man in front of him, his clothing colours are brown, grey and faded green.

The same white tree with seven-pointed stars can be seen on him, unlike Robb's, the logo is on his chest instead of his bracers.

His weapons include a slightly thinner longsword than Robb's, and the young man is seen with a longbow, strapped to the horse's side, meaning he is an archer.

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