Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.

A majority of the folk in the dragon pit cheer at the sight of Gandalf, Jon, Robb and Theon, arriving in time to rescue the others from the clutches of the goblins of Goblin-town.

"Thank the seven!" Mace cried out in relief.

Garlan turns to his grandmother with a 'told you so' look at her.

"Told you, Gandalf would come," Garlan said to his grandmother.

Olenna rolled her eyes at Garlan's comment.

"Yes, you did, but he was still late," Olenna states back.

Tyrion overheard Olenna Tyrell and recalls what Gandalf told Thorin when they were outside 'The Green Dragon'.

"A wizard is never late, Lady Olenna. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to," Tyrion told her in his best impression of Gandalf.

Tommen and Myrcella chuckle at their uncle's impression of the wizard, as well as Bran and Arya, join in as they found Tyrion's impression of Gandalf to be quite funny.

"About bloody time," King Robert grumbled.

Despite the King's tone, he was looking forward to seeing Gandalf get the others out of Goblin-town, he hopes they get to see some of those wretched goblins slain, they bloody deserve it after he saw them whip his son, a son he is proud to have come from his seed, unlike Joffrey.

The King was relieved to know Joffrey wasn't here, he was getting sick of his whining and tantrums, it still baffles him how the little shit came from his seed.

Arya and Bran jumped out of their seats upon seeing their older brothers and wielding the elven blades they found in the troll hoard, Arya's eyes widen in awe once she saw Robb's sword Ringil, and like what Lord Elrond said about the sword, the blade glows like glittering ice.

"Ringil does glow like glittering ice!" Arya yelled out.

Bran agreed with Arya about Ringil, they knew Jon's sword glowed a blue flame from earlier but they never saw Ringil in action yet and they are looking forward to seeing Robb fight as well.

"I hope the Great-Goblin recognizes it," Bran tells her.

The brother and sister snicker at the thought of the Great-Goblin being terrified of Ringil, given its reputation and who last wielded the infamous sword.

"The Great-Scrotum-beard," Tyrion 'corrects' the two Stark children on the goblin's new name.

Before either Bran or Arya could have a chance to respond, one stern look from Lady Catelyn prevented them from speaking such language.

Edmure could be seen chuckling at his niece and nephew's misfortune, the heir of the Riverrun did have a look of amazement at the blade his eldest nephew carries.

"A fine blade, your son carries, sister. Suits his father's house," Edmure said kindly.

Catelyn smiles at her brother's words.

"That it is Edmure, and it is the sword of his ancestor," Catelyn thanks her brother while mentioning Fingolfin being House Stark's very distant ancestor.

The Blackfish agreed with Edmure for once in his life.

"Edmure is right, a fine blade your son carries," The Blackfish joins in.

Catelyn nods at her uncle's kindness.

"Thank you, uncle," Catelyn thanks him too.

Ned is smiling at the sight of his son and nephew fighting together, he came to realize he didn't get to see Robb fight yet, he wonders what his firstborn is capable of, as well as feeling pride in his son wielding the sword of their ancestor, but he cannot forget his sister's son wielding the sword of their other ancestor as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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