Chapter 2.

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Hey everyone this is Chapter 2 to my Game of Thrones/Hobbit crossover.

If anyone wondered why Robb, Theon and Loras' attire sound familiar, is because I took inspiration from the Lord of the Rings films.

Robb's attire is similar to Boromir's from the films as well as the shield, his sword is a standard Gondor sword, with the Stark sigil on the pommel.

Theon is pretty much wearing a Faramir themed ranger attire, except he was trained as a scout, his sword is a standard Gondor sword.

Loras is wearing something like Merry's Rohirrim armour, the helm is based on Éomer's from the film, he has a standard Rohirrim sword and shield with him.

The flames cut to a handful of hours have passed since Gandalf left.

Robb, Theon and Loras are sitting in Bilbo's kitchen, the latter is making them supper and Loras is in the middle of telling them a story.

"After I fell into the waters, I remember my sister Margaery tried to grab my hand and a wave made her fall in with me. When I woke up, I was here in Middle-Earth. King Fengel of Rohan took pity in me and took me in as his own, he is a good man and grandfather to me," Loras finishes telling on how he came to Middle-Earth.

Bilbo while setting up their food and dishes, couldn't help but be invested in the story.

"No wonder Gandalf wanted you to keep a low profile. It must have been quite an honour to be fostered under a King," Bilbo says to Loras.

The son of Mace Tyrell smiles softly at the comment.

"I learned so much about the Rohirrim since I have been living with them. Even if I cannot return home. King Fengal told me I might become a Marshal of the Mark," Loras said softly, but it was clear he missed home.

Hearing Loras' conversation about how he came to Middle-Earth got Garlan curious.

"I remember seeing a bright light in the water," Garlan said

Despite everyone hearing him say this, it got people thinking.

"I hope the wizard didn't have a part in bringing them to Middle-Earth," Lord Stark replied to Garlan, with a hint of anger in his voice.

Loras chose to stop talking, something Bilbo noticed and didn't ask anymore.

Robb however chose to take his place and began telling Bilbo of his home.

"Like Loras, I hail from Westeros. My father's castle is Winterfell, it has been the ancestral home of the Starks for thousands of years. Myself, Theon and my brother Jon were at the godswood when a bright light caused us to be sent here in Middle-Earth. We encountered creatures called 'Orcs', they were on our trail for over a day, Theon fell and injured himself. My brother Jon...knocked me out, placed me and Theon under a tree, while he lured the orcs away so we can live," Robb sadly told Bilbo, as if the memory was only yesterday.

There was a brief pause in the room before Robb continued.

"We were found by scouts of Gondor, they took us to Minas Tirith, the scouts looked all over for my brother...but they found nothing and told us he was most likely dead," Robb said before trying to fight back the painful memory.

Everyone heard this, Catelyn is left speechless on what she heard, hearing how her husband's bastard died to save her son.

She couldn't look at Ned, she said harsh things to him when the boys vanished, it was the first time Ned looked at her with such anger and hatred in his grey eyes.

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