Chapter 5.

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Here is Chapter V.

About 2/3 of this chapter was supposed to be in Chapter IV, but the chapter was already getting a little too long, so I split it into two.

I have a bad habit of doing that lately.

Thanks to those who have read my story and are liking it, I would not have continued this story if I didn't so many responses.

Hope you enjoy Chapter V.

"60 years?" Tyrion said in shock.

This got more of the Westerosi invested into Middle-Earth.

"The dwarves must have a longer lifespan than us," Bran guesses, making Tyrion shocked by his words.

"That does make sense Bran Stark, perhaps the people of Middle-Earth have a longer lifespan than us here," Tyrion replies to Bran.

"So that's why they are going after this 'Smaug the Terrible', to take back their home. The dragon must have taken it from them," Arya says aloud.

Catelyn shook her head at her daughter's comment.

"Arya, dragons are nothing more than savage creatures. I doubt a dragon is clever enough to do such a thing," Catelyn said to her daughter.

Though Olenna Tyrell disagreed.

"Do you have a history of knowledge about dragons Lady Catelyn?" Olenna asks Catelyn.

Making Lady Stark baffled at the question, before shaking her head.

"No, I do not, but it is common knowledge that dragons are such creatures," Catelyn says to Olenna.

The queen of thorns shook her head in disbelief.

"Than you shouldn't be speaking of it then, goodness it's a miracle your children did not inherit more than just your colouring," Olenna fired back.

Arya smiles at Lady Olenna for sticking up for her, the queen of thorns noticed earlier how Arya looked at her granddaughter when the dwarf Kili brought Margaery's skill with a sword.

"Your son is quite smart Lord Tarly," Tyrion said to Lord Tarly.

Eager to see how the Lord of Horn Hill will react to the fact, his son he mocked in front of everyone.

"Of course he is...he's a bloody Tarly," Randyll spat back, clearly not wanted to be made a fool out of.

Tyrion grins at this, giving Dickon and Talia a wink.

The wizard is quite amazed at Sam's question, giving him a simple nod.

"Yes Samwell Tarly, you are correct. And sadly, I do not have the skills to find it. But others in Middle-Earth can," Gandalf answers Sam's question.

Robb and Loras couldn't help and noticed Gandalf looked at Thorin, who did the same back to the wizard, there is some history between them or to Thorin.

Leading the two to think about what it meant, but the thoughts were interrupted when Gandalf spoke again.

"The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth, and no small amount of courage. But if we are careful and clever, I believe that can be done," Gandalf said.

This time, Robb, Jon, Loras and Margaery noticed how Gandalf was looking towards Bilbo during the middle of his words, leaving the four more curious.

Only for Ori to beat them to it.

"That's why we need a burglar!" Ori said.

Bilbo was quiet throughout most of it and does rejoin the conversation.

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