Chapter 14.

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Hey everyone, here is Chapter 14 of Unexpected Allies.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Chapter XIV.

"Stone-Giants?!" Tyrion uttered in disbelief.

Everyone in the dragon pit is in shock and horror at the sight of the stone-giants in battle so close to Thorin & Company.

"Seven hell! Look at the size of those bastards!" King Robert roared in disbelief.

"I thought I saw everything, but Stone-Giants?" Olenna spoke after being in silence for a long few minutes.

The Queen of Thorns couldn't believe the size of the Stone-Giants and was furious at how foolish the dwarves and her grandchildren were for taking such a path to Erebor, they could have waited for Gandalf before they departed Rivendell.

"What in the Seven did they get themselves into?" Lady Tarly said with horror in her voice.

The Lady of Horn Hill is terrified at what she saw and is not fond of the idea of her firstborn son being on such a dangerous path, turning her attention to her other children, who look just as worried at what they are witnessing.

"Sam should be alright mother," Dickon said while trying to assure his mother.

But she knew her son Dickon is showing signs of both fear and concern for Sam and the Tyrell siblings once they saw the Stone-Giants.

"Perhaps he will be a true man once this is over," Randyll mutters quietly not wanting to suffer the King's wrath or be sent to the Wall.

Ignoring the fact his son could easily die against the Stone-Giants but it was clear he had no love for his firstborn.

"He's such a cunt," Garlan mutters under his breath.

His words did not go unnoticed by Lyra who cocked a brow at the young man.

"That he is," Lyra responds with a smirk on her face.

The two let chuckle at the response and smiled at one another as they kept on watching the flames.

Many in the Pit are shocked at what they are seeing, Arya and Bran were amazed at the Stone-Giants.

"They're huge!" Arya said with a look of awe in her eyes.

"They must be taller than the Wall!" Bran tells his sister.

Lord Stark is quite relieved secretly Jon and Robb are not with the others, but it did not mean he should worry for the other children of the Lords and Ladies among him, turning to Mace Tyrell, the fact they are the only ones who had two of their children in Middle-Earth shockingly brought them to a mutual understanding and even forming a friendship with the Lord of Highgarden.

"I hope your children will be safe, Mace," Ned assures the Lord of Highgarden.

"Thank you, Ned," Mace sincerely responds.

Jaime turns to Tyrion once they saw the Stone-Giants, cocking a brow to his brother.

"I bet you are happy not being there with them?" Jaime asks his brother.

Tyrion simply nods in response.

"I would have shit myself if I saw those Stone-Giants in person," Tyrion answers truthfully.

Making the two Lannisters snicker in response, while Cersei saw this and sneered in disgust at the sight of her brother still has an attachment to the wretched creature who killed their mother.

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