Chapter 7.

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Here is Chapter VIII of Unexpected Allies.

So anyway, hope you enjoy Chapter VII.

Before the flames can show them more, a Baratheon guard arrives at the Dragon Pit with the banner of House Martell.

"Your grace, Prince Oberyn Martell is here!" The guard informs King Robert.

The King groans but at the same time, at least they will have more guests at the Dragon Pit.

"Is he alone?" The King asks his guard, who shook his head.

"His paramour is with him, Lady Ellaria Sand," The guard answers.

On cue Prince Oberyn Martell and his paramour, Ellaria Sand enters the Dragon Pit, both were dressed in dornish clothing, Prince Oberyn has short black hair and snake-like eyes like most members of House Martell are known for, dressed in his House colours.

Ellaria Sand is quite beautiful and her dornish dress doesn't show much skin, but at the same time, it does.

"Your grace," Prince Oberyn greets the King.

"Prince Oberyn," King Robert responds.

"Why are you here?" Cersei demands the Red Viper to answer.

Tyrion noticed for a split second, Oberyn's eyes flickered with rage upon hearing his sister's demand, recalling what his father allowed Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch to do to the Red Viper's sister and her children.

"We were summoned here of course. Unfortunately, we were caught up in a storm midway through the journey, so we had to stop and make camp, if not for the storm. We would have been here much sooner," Prince Oberyn explains to the Queen in his strong dornish accent.

King Robert looks at the letter Oberyn hands him and looked bitter about it.

"Forgot the red woman sent letters to all Great Houses...and the Tarlys," King Robert groaned while adding the Tarly name with disdain.

Making Tyrion recall his father told him he to come to King's Landing in his stead and not make a fool out of their House if only his father knew of the irony of Cersei and Jaime were the fools, including Joffrey.

"Welcome, Prince Oberyn," Jon Arryn greets the Red Viper.

"Lord Hand," Oberyn greets Jon Arryn in return.

"Allow me to introduce to you, my paramour, Ellaria Sand," Oberyn adds.

Lysa looks fumed at the mention of the surname.

"A Sand?" Lysa spat as if it were an insult.

Only for Ellaria to look at her with her dornish eyes.

"We are everywhere in Dorne. I have tens of thousands of brothers and sisters," Ellaria calmly answered Lysa.

Her calm tone caught the Hand's wife off guard before Lysa could respond, Oberyn and Ellaria left her sight and began introducing themselves to the other houses.

"Prince Oberyn, Lady Ellaria," Lord Stark greets them nearly last.

Prince Oberyn smiles upon Lord Stark, though they may have fought opposite sides during Robert's Rebellion, the Red Viper heard about Lord Stark's disapproval of what happened to his sister and her children.

"Lord Stark, it's a pleasure to meet you," Prince Oberyn greets the Lord of Winterfell.

"These are my children, my eldest Sansa, Arya and Bran. My youngest is in Winterfell, for a Stark must always be in Winterfell," Lord Stark introduces his children.

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