Chapter 15.

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Hey everyone, I hope all of you are doing well.

Here is Chapter 15 of Unexpected Allies.

Chapter XV.

After hearing Bofur's story to Bilbo, many in the dragon pit were touched by it.

King Robert, however, felt pride knowing his now legitimized son has a strong kinship with the dwarves, as he secretly plans to reward Bofur, Bombur and Bifur greatly when they come to Westeros, as a way to thank the trio for taking his son in when he had nowhere else to go.

Stannis developed more respect towards the dwarves after hearing Bofur's story and knowing his King brother, is planning to reward the three dwarves for taking in Gendry all those years ago, especially when Gendry returns to Westeros and be made Renly's heir of Storm's End.

Bitter as he is for not being given Storm's End, at least it will be in true Baratheon blood whenever Renly passes, and not in the hands of the pretenders Joffrey or Tommen, Cersei and the Kingslayer will be executed once this over. Joffrey and Tommen will be sent to the Wall and stripped of their names and titles for they are not Robert's children, Myrcella will be sent to the Silent Sisters.

Ever since he and Jon Arryn uncovered the truth of the 'royal children's' true heritage, it baffled him for not seeing it sooner, Joffrey was the spitting image of the Kingslayer with Cersei's cruelty, Tommen is just a plump version of his true father, Myrcella was her mother's daughter, but innocent.

Lady Tarly wept upon Bofur's words towards Bilbo about her son, she cannot believe what Randyll did to her son and it starts to make her question if her husband did the same to Dickon, she always knew Sam was nothing like her husband, her son is a lot like her own father, kind-hearted and gentle and loved his books.

Middle-Earth has changed her son, but in a good way, she owes the dwarves, Glóin and Óin plenty for taking in her son and raising him as their own, especially the former who has shown to be a better father to her son, than his own. As well as feeling guilty for not seeing the signs of Randyll's abuse on Sam until it was too late, once this is over, she plans on leaving Horn Hill and go spend some time with her family back in Brightwater Keep.

Olenna knew from earlier that Thorin's sister, the mother of Fili and Kili took in Margaery, but knowing her granddaughter was found in 'The Blue Mountains', with her clothes drenched and could have frozen to death shocked her, House Tyrell is in this Lady Dís' debt for taking in her granddaughter.

Who adored her granddaughter as if she was her own, for Margaery was close with Fili and Kili, though the queen of thorns is still a bit bitter towards Thorin for his treatment of Margaery in her youth.

Mace was touched on this Lady Dís for taking in her daughter, especially on how his daughter was found and how close she could have been to death, at least she is close with Fili and Kili, who adore her like a little sister.

Ser Barristan felt pity for Daenerys, knowing she is the last of her House and he has Balin's thanks, for taking in the poor girl and being a father figure to her, he owes a debt to the dwarf for protecting the last Targaryen.

Tyrion however, was worried about the Company, once Bilbo's sword began glowing blue, remembering what Gandalf said over an hour ago.

"They never seem to catch a break, do they?" Tyrion said around the group.

Varys agrees with Tyrion's comment, for Tyrion did inform him of how Elven swords or mainly their blades, glow blue when Orcs or Goblins are nearby.

"Perhaps, Thorin will realize, he may have made a mistake on leaving Rivendell without Gandalf," Varys says to Tyrion.

Tyrion knew Balin was right, they should have waited until Gandalf arrived or at least caught up with them, and now it looks the Company is going to be ambushed by Orcs.

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