Chapter 17.

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Hey everyone, here is Chapter 17 of Unexpected Allies.

This chapter is a bit longer than Chapter 16, I had a bit of fun when writing this chapter.

Also, if anyone was wondering how Jon Arryn looks, just picture Patrick Stewart in the role. 

I think I mentioned it in one of my earlier chapters, but just in case I didn't add it in one of the previous chapters, well here it is.

I hope everyone enjoys the chapter and have a wonderful day.

Chapter XVII.

"Sure, let's watch a hobbit, a Tarly and a wildling play a game of riddles with a foul creature named Gollum, while my two youngest grandchildren are being held captive by goblins," Olenna Tyrell said with sarcasm.

Mace and Garlan did agree with the Queen of Thorns, Loras and Margaery are still held captive by the goblins of Goblin-town, they hope Gandalf comes to their aid.

"Gandalf will come to their aid," Garlan mutters.

The knight of Highgarden let out a sigh, his brother and sister are held captive by legions of goblins, their only chance of survival is Gandalf.

Hearing Bilbo and Sam are going to be playing riddles with Gollum, Varys turns to the children, minus Joffrey in the dragon pit, who looks impatient as always.

"I hope some of you are fond of riddles," Varys said to the children.

Myrcella and Tommen were looking forward to the riddles, they weren't good at riddles but it doesn't hurt to try and guess.

"I hope I can one right," Tommen said optimistically.

"That's the spirit, nephew," Tyrion cheerfully tells his nephew.

Tommen smiles at his uncle, Myrcella smiled as well for Tyrion is their favourite uncle.

"Same here, Tommen," Myrcella says to her brother.

Arya and Bran look excited, they may not like riddles as the others, but it doesn't hurt to try and they want to see if they could get any riddles right.

"I hope I get one right, I'll be okay," Bran says to Arya.

Oberyn chuckles at the upcoming game of riddles, while Tyrion has an idea.

"Any wagers?" Tyrion asked around.

Renly shook his head.

"I am good, Tyrion. I already lost enough gold, nor do I plan to lose more," Renly declines.

"Your loss," Tyrion remarks.

Varys decides to join in.

"I will join," Varys said.

As he brings out his pouch of gold.

"Whoever gets the answer first or is close to it wins this," Tyrion tells Varys.

Placing the gold he won from Renly earlier on display.

"Very well," Varys agrees.

Putting some of his gold out on display.

"I am game," Varys joins in.

Bringing out his pouch of gold.

"Let the games begin," Tyrion proclaims as he dramatically raised his hands.

His gesture earned laughter from Myrcella and Tommen.

Edmure is about to join in but is stopped by his uncle, who is shaking his head at him.

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