Chapter 3.

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Hey everyone, this is chapter III to my GoT/Hobbit crossover.

Originally chapter 2, was a bit too long, so I chose to split it into two chapters as it gave me time to work on chapter 4. 

For Margaery and Daenerys' attire.

Margaery's attire is similar to Kili's, but in Fili's colours, her short bow resembles Kili's, but in a slimmer design and her sword resembles Thorin's sword Deathless but in a thinner design.

Daenerys' clothing is like Balin's, but her boots don't curl up like his boots did in the films and they are a shade darker than his, her sword is a single-bladed Erebor sword, Balin gave to her as a birthday gift.

Hope you all enjoy chapter III.

Arya and Lyanna were amazed by both Daenerys and Margaery, for they were not only women, but both of them carried weapons with them.

Daenerys a short-sword, while Margaery carries both a bow and sword, their lit faces made Ned happy, even Bran was amazed.

"Did anyone notice on both Lady Margaery and Daenerys have their hair braided like the dwarves?" Bran asks around.

Only for Tyrion to turn around and face him.

"I did, Bran Stark, clever eyes you have. Braiding their hair and beards must be a custom for the dwarves of Middle-Earth, they must have braided their hair. As a way to honour the dwarves for taking them in," Tyrion said to Bran before telling him of his reasoning why they did so.

His answer made some of the people in the Dragon Pit to think about what he said, Shireen even joined in.

"That makes sense Lord Tyrion, they took them in and wanted to honour them. Their braids are different from one another and they are lovely with them," Shireen says sweetly.

Her words made Mace Tyrell touched by the King's niece speaking fondly of Margaery's hairstyle.

"Thank your Princess Shireen, maybe my sister can show you once she returns home," Garlan says to her, making the daughter of Stannis Baratheon smile.

This made Joffrey scoff at this.

"I don't see the big deal of these stupid dwarves and their stupid braids, they're not that impressive," Joffrey spat out in mockery and of disgust.

The only person who seems to like his comment was his mother while everyone else shook their heads at him, though Tyrion steps in to defend them.

"I bet you wouldn't even last against Lady Margaery or the Targaryen girl in a fight, if you said it to their faces," Tyrion said to his nephew.

Joffrey stood up in his rage looking down at his uncle.

"Shut up Imp! I can say whatever I want, I'm the prince! What good could a woman be with a sword?" Joffrey sneers at his uncle with mockery in his voice.

Lyra and Lyanna Mormont glared murderously towards the prince, Lyanna Mormont even tempted on bringing out her hidden knife Lyra gave her.

"And yet Jaime considers you to be the worst swordsman he has ever seen," Tyrion quipped.

Those who heard him snickered at his comment, Joffrey noticed those laughing and began screaming in anger.

"Keep your mouth shut Joffrey or I'll have you sent to the Wall you hear me. Gods, why couldn't Tommen be firstborn!" Robert said to Joffrey with anger.

Hearing the King admit he wished Tommen was firstborn made Cersei look insulted at his words, while Tommen was touched by it.

Margaery goes to Loras, once he turns around and spots his sister, he looked confused at who she is, until Daenerys' eyes widen upon seeing her.

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