Chapter 6.

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Hey everyone this is Chapter VI to my GoT/Hobbit Crossover.

Already six chapters into the story and we're finally leaving the Shire in this chapter.

Chapter VI.

Even though the Houses have heard only half of the song 'The Misty Mountains'.

It became a favourite to those around the Dragon Pit, though Arya, Bran, Lyanna and Tyrion prefer the 'Blunt the Knives' song a bit better.

"Blunt the Knives is better!" Arya says to Sansa.

"The Misty Mountains isn't as mean as Blunt the Knives," Sansa said to Arya.

"How about you two agree to a disagree?" Tyrion says to both Stark girls.

Making both sisters sigh and decide to call it a day of debating, for Lyanna began snickering at Arya.

"You were fighting your sister over which song is better. The south has changed you," Lyanna jokingly said to her dear friend.

Arya looked offended at first before she started laughing at her friend's words with Bran snickering from afar.

"Blunt the knives is the better song. Father, what song do you prefer?" Bran asks his father.

Lord Stark is one who isn't the biggest fan of the songs, but his soft smile warmed Bran.

"I am not a music lover like most around us, Bran, if I were to choose. I would say Blunt the Knives, for it's the only song Arya seems to like," Ned playfully answers his son.

Bran's smile ever so grew upon hearing this, Catelyn has a soft smile, knowing her husband at least likes one song so far.

The flames show Jon and Robb have just woken up, they see the sunlight through a window.

They slowly start getting up and easily remembering the night before.

Both wander around Bag End to see if anyone is there, only to see it was all cleaned up and everything was set as Robb found it was when he first arrived at Bag End.

The pair look around Bag End and spot Gandalf and Gendry in the kitchen making what little was left of the food for the two Northerners.

"Good morning Gandalf, Gendry," Both brothers say unaware it was unison.

Leading the four to chuckle at the unison before Gandalf greets them too.

"Good morning, Robb and Jon," The wizard says to them.

"Morning, Robb, Jon," Gendry casually greets them.

"Where did everybody go?" Robb asks the two.

"Thorin & Company left to secure horses for us, Robb. The others were given a brief tour of the Shire by some of the hobbit children, who took a liking to them. For the Shire does not get many visitors besides me these days," Gandalf tells both brothers.

"Thanks, Gandalf," Robb says to the wizard.

Jon and Robb let out yawns before they eat the breakfast Gendry made for them.

"Thanks, Gendry," Jon tells his newfound friend.

"No problem, Jon, I had to stash some of the food last night from Bombur. Which was harder than it looks, he can have the nose of a dog, when it comes to food," Gendry tells them.

Considering Bombur's physique it was was no surprise on the dwarf's love of food, making the four chuckle lightly.

"We are to meet them at the Green Dragon, the most famous inn in the Shire," Gandalf tells them.

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