Chapter 12.

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Hey everyone this is Chapter XII to Unexpected Allies.

This chapter will be a bit longer than Chapter XI.

Hope you enjoy Chapter XII.

Chapter 12.

Ned Stark could not believe what they just heard, Bran the Builder was not of the First Men as they thought, nor was it even his true name for it was Atanalcar and he was the youngest son of Tar-Minyatur, or his original name Elros.

Making Bran the Builder, the nephew of Lord Elrond and House Stark descends from Númenor, along with having Elven blood in them, even if it is very distant.

And House Targaryen descends from this House of Fëanor, from what they heard of this Fëanor by Galadriel, who sounds like a mixture of the fiery temper, black hair and blue eyes of House Baratheon, as well as both the greatness and the madness of House Targaryen.

This meant Jon carries both the blood of Houses Fëanor and Fingolfin, he hopes for his sister's son to not suffer a fate like either of his ancestors from what he heard through Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel.

Turning to his children, he saw the looks of shock and awe on their faces, for Sansa, Arya and Bran, finding out they were descendants of Númenor and Elves must have affected his children greatly, his eldest daughter Sansa's expression is more of shock. For Arya, his youngest daughter was in awe of their newfound heritage, Bran was just speechless in awe, as for his wife.

Catelyn is just as shocked as their eldest daughter, she glances towards him, finding out her husband comes from Elven blood must be a shock to her.

"I had no idea until now Cat'. But it makes sense, Lord Elrond has the same eyes and hair as my father and his father before him, I thought it was a mere coincidence and I was wrong. Lord Elrond is kin to my House, Bran the Builder was his nephew," Ned answered his wife before she can even ask.

"We have the blood of Númenor in our veins?" Bran asks in shock while feeling his ears to see if they were even slightly pointed.

"Very distant Bran, for we are more of the First Men than Númenoreans. Though you, Arya, Sansa, Robb and Rickon, have Andal blood through your mother," Ned explains to his son.

Bran nods at the response, before turning a smile of pride knowing House Stark's founder originated from Middle-Earth and was the nephew of Lord Elrond, which means Lord Elrond is their very distant uncle, turning to his sister Arya who was just as proud as he is.

"So the swords Robb and Jon found...are truly our family heirlooms of our ancestors," Arya said to Bran with a voice of amazement.

"Wouldn't Gendry's weapon be an heirloom of our house too?" Bran asks his sister.

The two continue talking about it, Ned and Catelyn smile at their two youngest invested in the new information they have just learned regarding the Starks newfound background.

Cutting to Stannis, who couldn't believe what he heard, House Durrandon, House Baratheon's ancestors through the female line were Elves or more correctly Elven descent, after hearing Durran Godsgrief was a descendant of this 'Caranthir', the fourth son of this Fëanor. Who had a temper that rivalled his father, it began to make sense for his family House.

House Baratheon are known for their tempers, as well as the black hair and blue eyes, so that is where they got it from, through the House of Fëanor, he glanced towards Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King turned to him and both men give one another a simple nod. It was more proof Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen were not Robert's, but the spawn of the Kingslayer, being in the presence of the oathbreaker sickened him, he remembered what his father once told him.

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