Chapter 10.

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Hey everyone this is Chapter X of Unexpected Allies.

The Company has arrived at Rivendell and will be staying there for the chapter before continuing with their quest.

The weapons Robb, Loras, Theon, Jon and Gendry carry in this story, will be identified and revealed in this chapter.

I was planning on revealing a twist regarding Jon, Robb, Gendry and Daenerys in this chapter, but seeing how long this chapter was, I decided to save it for Chapter XI, and it should fit with the story and where I am going with it.

Heads up this chapter is the longest chapter I have written.

Hope you enjoy Chapter X.

Chapter X.

Those in the Dragon Pit were astonished by the view of Rivendell, many were just as speechless as Thorin & Company are upon viewing the land itself.

Tyrion was lovestruck by the view of the land, clearly impressed by how beautiful the buildings were, the waterfall and the trees made him gasp, for the halfling has never seen such beauty before.

"It's beautiful," Tyrion said, breaking the nearly two-minute silence within the Dragon Pit.

"It truly is, Lord Tyrion. To think Jon Snow was fostered here is rather interesting. I am quite surprised, he even left there, to begin with," Oberyn Martell responds to Tyrion.

"Seven hells!" King Robert finally spoke after being in awe of the land.

Cersei had a look of jealousy and envy in her eyes, for even she had never seen such beauty of land before, knowing Ned Stark's bastard was fostered in such a land is an insult to her House and all trueborn's in Westeros.

Lysa had a look of awe in her eyes, never before had she seen a land with such beauty, the reminder of her sister's filthy northern husband's bastard being fostered there infuriated her, it didn't help when her stupid sister and uncle defended the child. She did not understand why they defend the bastard, he is a bastard and they are products of sin and lies.

Olenna is amazed at the land before her, Rivendell is a place she is proud her grandchildren have gotten to see, she couldn't keep the smile off her face. Knowing Tyrells have got to Middle-Earth, while the Lannisters did not and that made her grandchildren being in Middle-Earth worth it, she hopes Lord Elrond can give them advice and shelter.

Thorin better not fuck it up for everyone.

"To think, Jon was fostered there. Isn't it a beautiful land, father?" Bran asks his father.

Lord Stark was lost in his thoughts once he heard his son call out to him.

"It truly is Bran," Ned responds to his son.

Lady Tarly and her daughter were still stunned by the land that is Rivendell, it truly was not Westeros and the land even put all of Westeros to shame for the beauty of it.

"Sam is lucky for being there," Dickon said with a smile on him.

"Same here my son," Lady Tarly tells her youngest son.

Randyll Tarly felt anger at the fact the piggy is in such a sacred land and not Dickon, at least the piggy killed something and didn't cry like a cheap whore.

Yara is happy for her brother on getting to the land of Rivendell, even if it makes the Iron Islands look like shit in comparison, at least an ironborn got to travel to Middle-Earth.

Balon did not look that impressed with the land, in fact, he only looked more bitter and shook his head.

"Is this the Hidden Valley?" Robb asks Gandalf.

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