Chapter 16.

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Hey everyone, here is Chapter 16 of Unexpected Allies.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy Chapter 16 of Unexpected Allies.

Chapter XVI.

No one could believe what The Great-Goblin has said to Thorin, Azog the Defiler is alive and is the one who put a bounty on Thorin's head.

"Seven fucking hells," Tyrion said with shock in his voice.

The large group in the dragon pit recall Balin's story from earlier, everyone knew what Azog the Defiler is capable of, but knowing the Pale Orc somehow survived his encounter with Thorin Oakenshield from all those years ago in Middle-Earth. Brought worry to most in the dragon pit, mainly to those who have kin in Middle-Earth.

"Is anyone else worried about the group?" Tyrion asked around.

Many in the room were in silence for a brief period in time, not knowing how to properly process the revelation.

"I am, Tyrion," Ned Stark being the first to answer.

The Lord of Winterfell was worried, a part of him wanted to believe Thorin slew the Pale Orc in the Battle of Moria, but he knew from the look of doubt on Balin and Gandalf from hours ago said otherwise, knowing the Pale Orc is alive and out for blood has him worried for his son and his sister's son.

Tyrion did not look surprised by the worried expression on Lord Starks' face, after all, the Lord of Winterfell has his heir and bastard son in Middle-Earth, so he could not blame Lord Stark.

"I cannot blame you, Lord Stark. At least they have Gandalf with them, surely the wizard won't let anything bad happen to them," Tyrion assures Lord Stark.

"I hope so, Tyrion. I know they are with the wizard, but I worry about them. We know what Azog the Defiler is capable of," Lord Stark responds to Tyrion.

Tyrion noticed the look on his brother's face, urging him to not speak up but alas, Jaime turns to Lord Stark's attention.

"My, my, is Lord Stark worried about a cripple Orc coming after his heir and bastard?" Jaime mockingly asked the Lord of Winterfell.

Lord Stark glares at the Kingslayer and faces him with a stern look.

"You have no children, Ser Jaime. What would you know of worrying about your child's life? I am a father of six children, four sons and two daughters. I worry for them constantly, for this world is a cruel one and I'll be damned to let any of them die before me. So yes, I worry for my sons, as well as the children of the other Lords and Ladies among us," Lord Stark sternly responds to Jaime.

The Kingslayer is caught off guard by the Lord of Winterfell's words, the Tyrells, Tarlys, and King Robert seemed touched by Ned's words that he does not only worry for his sons but their children as well.

Cersei looked insulted at Lord Stark's comment towards her brother, her hatred for the Northerner has grown the more he insults her other half.

The Lord of Winterfell doesn't break eye-contact with Jaime as he continued.

"You know nothing of the feeling I carry, Ser Jaime. Nor you ever will. I suggest you start using that head of yours and learn to keep your mouth shut. I assume your father at least taught you some manners," Lord Stark adds harshly.

Once he finished speaking, Lord Stark immediately sat down and ignored the baffled look on Jaime's face, refusing to let the Kingslayer respond.

Tyrion and Varys saw the look on Jaime's face turn from baffled to anger and hate of the Lord of Winterfell, the former of which smacked the back of his brother's head.

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