Chapter 7 - Shoot.

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_Shoot! We all judge too quickly at times. Sometimes, we need to look in deeper. _



oday, Saturday, was the day of my Entrance Exam into Prestige High. I was just so nervous and couldn't wait to get it over with. I'd already studied over the night and had just a little bit of sleep. It didn't matter anyway, 'cause I just couldn't sleep.

"You're all shaky, Alisa" Kambili stated and chuckled.

"I am? I'm surprised I haven't peed on myself by now. For real, I'm trying not to pass out here" I whispered and she laughed.

She wasn't meant to laugh so loud! We were currently having breakfast and she'd managed to grab everyone's attention... Everyone's - including ice-faced Kamsi's.

"What's so funny?" Mr. Ekwegh asked.

"Alisa..." She laughed again. "She's really funny" Kambili replied and I low-key let out a groan.

"Oh really? I didn't know that" he smiled and I returned a small smile.

"Oh, she is. She also talks, a lot! I - ouch!" I stepped on her feet to shut her up. She instantly got the message and gulped down her words.

"What was that?" Mr. Ekwegh asked, concerned.

"Uh... It was nothing. I accidentally stepped on my own feet" she said, a small smile on her face. "No thanks to a crazy person" she meant to mutter that part, but I heard and smiled.

Kambili and I grew a bond that fascinated me. I knew I should stop getting so attached, 'cause I'll end up hurting myself. But I just couldn't. She was just so nice and fun-loving that I just couldn't help but get along with her. It'd hurt to go. I don't want to, but I can't help but feel like this too wouldn't last. Our bond? It'd break at some point. That was just how unfortunate I was. Nothing good ever lasts in my life. Absolutely nothing!

I was halfway through my food, when I felt someone's intense gaze on me. I took the risk, and lifted my head and my eyes met with Kamsi's. I expected that he'd look away, yet he didn't. His cold, ice-faced look was still on his face, and his scowl was still on his lips. I tried matching his gaze, but couldn't 'cause they were too intense. He didn't stop staring at me! The murderous look he was giving me was way too uncomfortable and I'd wished he'd stop. Yet, ice-faced Kamsi didn't, he kept glaring at me... Way too long, and way too hard.

Abruptly, he suddenly got up from his chair. His food was barely touched, just like yesterday. And he simply grabbed his schoolbag from his chair, and walked away. But not before muttering a 'goodbye' to his father.

"Bye, dad" and with that, he was gone.

"Bye," came his father's calm and gentle voice.

Kambili took her time to finish her meal, before equally getting up from her chair, with her schoolbag in hand. She hugged me, and muttered a 'goodbye' as well - to both I and her her father - and left for school. Once again, they both disregarded Mrs. Ekwegh. I watched as she let out a small, sad smile, and continued eating her breakfast. I felt bad for her, watching her niece and nephew - who are now her step-kids - hate her so much. So much, that they can't even look at her, let alone smile or even respect her. It was quite a pity, and I only hoped I wouldn't break my promise to her.

* * *

The Entrance Exams went smoothly, and soon I was out of the Examination Hall - where I'd been assigned to write my exams. Walking down the hallway, with the intention of meeting Mrs. Ekwegh at the parking lot, someone came out of nowhere and stood right in front of me.

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