Chapter: 25

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"Good morning, son. My head still feels shaky, good thing your mom made a hangover soup."

"That's what you get if you drink too much. Can you please stop that bad drinking habits of yours, dad? You two always makes things messy just because of that. Quit it already." Sunwoo demanded. He opened the blinds on the living room before he heads to the kitchen to have his breakfast.

"Quit your juice addiction too and we'll be fair."

"N-No way! They're life-savers."

"See? The process won't be easy. We'll just have to take it slowly." his father smiled while fixing his hair in front of the mirror one last time. Sunwoo pouted. "While you get the house alone for the day, can you please take time to clean the place? Especially your room before your mom arrives and spots anything scattered in the house— don't forget to check on her plants, especially her favourite."

"I get it." Sunwoo responded while preparing all the utensils he'll use alone.

"Good. Now I'm off to work. Bye, son."

Sunwoo watched his father as the door opened and closed.

I'm alone, it's quiet.

He roams his eyes around the house as he put the chopsticks on his mouth, thinking deeply.

"The last time I cleaned my room was almost a month ago. Mom really tried to kill me for being so lazy but I think she'll really do it this time. The frying pan was already in my room..."

After he was done over his breakfast, he placed the dishes on the sink and stared at them smugly. "Today, you made me do work. Thanks dishes." he said, before he put on the dishwashing gloves.

While Sunwoo was washing the dishes, he thought of inviting Eric over and play video games with him since he was dying out of boredom.

Having the house alone is good too, but Sunwoo just doesn't feel like it, for today.

"Plants, plants, plants..." he hummed as he watered every plants that his mother kept alive for years. "Mom loves you more than her own son, how lovely... But I have to take care of you while she's away, especially you." he pours the remaining water from the sprinkler onto his mom's favorite plant: the lovely, large dieffenbachia with emerald-and-cream variegated leaves.

Sunwoo didn't exactly have a green thumb. Working on assumption that all living things require water, but apparently forgetting they also need air.

Not that he was trying to kill the plant; if anything, he nurtured the poor thing to death. He began flooding the dieffenbachia on a daily basis, especially when he gets the house alone.

"You must be thirsty." he smiled after he was done.

What should I do next?

He crossed arms and placed his chin in between his thumb and index finger. He roams his eyes around every area and stopped at the top of the staircase.

He sighed heavily at the thought of his room which was the hardest part to clean.

Having a messy room is more on like a lifestyle choice for him than anything else.

"No, I have to do it..." he talked to his other self. "I have to do it."

Sunwoo stomps on the stairs towards his room and opened it in surprise.


"It's not like I'm not used to have my room messy, but— what a surprise it is." he let out a strained laugh.

𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙀: 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙 & 𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙡 ; kim sunwooWhere stories live. Discover now