Chapter: 6

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During the past week after Sunwoo's suspicious errands, Eric hasn't been his old self.

He would just awkwardly laugh whenever he finds a thing funny but still worries at his best friend or jump around like Haknyeon whenever he scores perfect in a test— but in the case of Haknyeon it's all about cute stuff and of course, food.


Eric had decided to talk to his best friend about this errands of his. He wanna know if Sunwoo's been feeling okay lately or if he have another problem with his family.

Is he eating well? Or does he still drink his favorite pear juices?

No one knows.

The moment the teacher dismissed their class, Eric caught up to Sunwoo who was already at the door. "Sunwoo-hyung," The latter being called was asking a 'why' with his eyebrows raised and pursed his lips in a thin smile. "Hyung..." Eric pouted. "Have you been well lately?" Worry in the younger's eyes are evident. Sunwoo couldn't help but thought that he was too selfish to think about himself and forget about Eric who has been waiting for him all this time, and that made himself feel bad. "Hyung, I'm sorry—"

"Youngjae, you have nothing to do about this. I'm happy for you and Arim." he removed Eric's arm slowly away from his shoulder.

"Is this about Hanyang and Haknyeon?"

Sunwoo blinked. "What... about... them?"

"I think you're trying to avoid them, Hanyang to be specific. I thought it was suspicious when she said you'll have a talk. Something seemed off." Eric tilted his head to the side and then glared at Sunwoo. "Did you do something stupid again?"


Sunwoo sighed, he has to tell Youngjae everything, but for now, maybe he would spare him the burden.


"Sunwoo's eating here?!" Gyul dropped her chopsticks when she saw Eric dragging Sunwoo towards them, the latter swore he'd kill Eric after this.

When they arrived, Haknyeon paused from eating, a smile appearing on his lips. 

"Have a seat." Haknyeon offered. Sunwoo just rolled his eyes and sat next to Eric, purposely avoiding Hanyang's eyes. "How have you been?" Haknyeon asked, Hanyang immediately turned her head to her best friend.

That's new. Are they close?

"I'm good."

"You're best friend's not feeling well lately, Sunwoo. He's been worried si— s-sick! Haha! T-That's right, Spiderman 2 was sick, I swear! Hahahaha..." Gyul laughed awkwardly when Hanyang elbowed her, she elbowed Hanyang back while gritting her teeth. "Whawazzthatfor?"

"You're so outdated. That aired like.... 8 months ago, Gyul." Arim said.

They continued eating quietly when Eric's phone dinged, Sunwoo's as well but in a vibration mode. Both withdraw their devices from their pockets at the same time as they read the texts.

Eric looked at Sunwoo, Sunwoo did the same thing. The younger's face turned bright as he immediately hugged the tan. Sunwoo almost choking from the tight hug, he laughed as he removed Eric's arms away from him.

The older kept smiling and the younger kept squealing and the other four swear they're clueless.

"What is it?" Arim asked, only to receive the same hug her boyfriend did to Sunwoo. "Eric!"

"These dummies, don't be so selfish! Why are you both so happy?" Gyul irritatedly asked.

"Guys," Eric started and the others listened. "Guys..."

"What the fuck is it, Youngjae?!"

Arim shushed Gyul as she was also dying to know what Eric's gonna say.

"UPCOMING TOURNAMENT NEXT MONTH! WOOOHHHH!!!" Eric happily wiggled his arms in the air.

Gyul and Arim face-palming, while Haknyeon did the same but a little late than Eric because he was kind of processing what he had said.

Sunwoo smiling from ear to ear, obviously happy about the tournament and happy because Youngjae is.

"That like, happens every year, Eric. I thought it was something kinda very surprising." Gyul sighed heavily.

"So like, you'll be practicing everyday now?" Arim asked, Eric nodded like a toddler.

"I mean, we've always been practicing, but training's gonna be tougher this time." he said.

"Good luck, sweetie~" Arim cooed.

Sunwoo and Hanyang cringed at the scene. Oh!

What a pleasant, sugary, honeyed sight! My eyes hurts!

"So like last year, it'll take place a week before the school fest?" Arim asked.

"Probably, yes." Eric answered with his mouth full and Sunwoo just nodded.

"Basketball's gon be lit! I swear our school has the best basketball players!" Haknyeon exclaimed, a blush creeping on his cheeks. Hanyang frowned at him.

Tsk. Tsk.

"Baseball too, I'm somehow like... the ace?" Eric arrogantly placed an imaginary crown above his head making the group laugh, but the only one who isn't laughing right now is sitting right beside him.

"Seriously? No one even likes soccer among you?"

"Uhm, I like baseball though..." Gyul said.

"I don't like sports but I'm gonna support Youngjae." Arim said sweetly as she side hug his boyfriend who's blushing like a tomato.

"I-I like basketball." Haknyeon answered. When Sunwoo didn't receive any answers after that, he raised his head up and stared intently at Hanyang who was seated across him, Eric and Arim.


"W-What?" Hanyang nervously leaned her head backwards as she was now the peak of attention in the group. She looked at Sunwoo who was still staring at her.

Is he mad or sumn'?

"I-I told you already." When she still feel like Sunwoo and the others weren't convinced about her answer, she sighed in defeat. "Fine, basketball. Good?" She returned to Sunwoo, the boy scoffed and rolled his eyes.

That hurts his pride.

What did he expect? He clearly remembered that Hanyang preferred basketball over his sport. He thought people could change in a very short amount of time.

But she didn't.

"Don't worry so much. You have lots of fans supporting you out there." Eric patted the older's back.

𝙍𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙎𝙀: 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙 & 𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙡 ; kim sunwooWhere stories live. Discover now