Picture Perfect
Poised in the distance, in a scene of
Comfort and contentment together,
Sat in a grove of greenery and mellow
Weather. A gentleman gazing at his
Wife of many years, sat side by side -
Still he saw his blossoming bride of
Blessings and nurturing tears. Bringing
Back old memories abound as I imagine
My grandparents coupled silhouettes,
Seated upon the bench instead
Nestled among flowering red rosettes.
Grandmother Joyce's hair coiffed
And set, her smile beyond compare
And graciously met. Tip-toeing, her
Heels stepping to swinging beats,
Grandfather Jack dancing in time
With his reluctant but rhythmic feet.
His gentle smile I remember well,
Hidden in his secret draw where his
Favourite chocolate did dwell. Sharing
A heart-warming gift, our joy spreading
Through the clouds adrift. Seated in his
Well-cushioned chair, his dark framed
Glasses and contrasting grey hair.
While grandmother Joyce would busily
Bake, he would be tending to his garden
With his own rustic rake. Ever house
Proud she would flutter from room to
Room, as he took refuge in his shed
With the shovel and the broom.
Timeless and loved are the pictures
From the past, in memories living on,
Looming and vast. When I glance back
To the furrowed bench, the couple
Remain, as do my feelings for my
Beloved grandparents, akin to warm
Summer rain.
[CLOSED] - Poets Pub 2020 - Biggest Competition Ever Vol. 2
PoetryPlease join us for our eight-week, gauntlet style competition. We will have weekly winners and at the end of the competition we will announce an overall winner. All participants will receive a participation sticker. This competition will be broken...