Chuck vs. The Tango Part 1

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"Please... please don't shoot; don't shoot me. Just put the gun down. Gently." Chuck said.

"I can't shoot. That's the problem. The stupid thing is busted. " A kid said handing Chuck over the fake gun for a hunting game.

It was just another day at the Buy More for Chuck.

"Well, when it comes to Mr. Bartowski, my friend, busted is just a state of mind. Opening this puppy up. reconfigure that. And ta-da--locked and loaded. Try that. nice shot. See?"

The kid started playing the game and it was working smoothly.

Harry Tang, one of the most annoying employees at the store, all of a sudden appeared behind Chuck.

"Chuck, big Mike wants to see you."

"Not now, Harry. Can't you see? I'm with a customer? I apologize, sir. This is not normally how we do things at buy more."

Then big Mike appeared behind him.

"Now, Chuck!"

" I was just on my way to see you-- that's crazy." Chuck said following him in to his office. Big Mike took a seat on his chair while Chuck just stood there.

"Bartowski, what is it that you want out of life?"

" You mean, existentially--like, fulfillment, inner peace, that kind of a thing? Or are we talking more practically, like, Lakers tickets, personal steam room..."

"We're talking buy more. Career objectives. Where do you see yourself in five years, ten years?"


" Honestly."

Chuck took a moment.

" I have absolutely no idea. "

"Well, then it's time you started to think about it. As you know, there's an assistant management position open. It's down to you and Harry Tang. Now, you want that job or not?"

"I do, I do. Uh, I'm sorry, big mike. I absolutely want that job."

" Well, then, Bartowski, it's your turn to show me something."

After Chuck took a few co-workers to the back, explaining to them that they had to fix a whole lot of old computers in two days or else Harry Tang would get the job, Morgan appeared in the back to let him know that you and Sarah were in the store waiting for him. He always had to add too how hot Sarah looked. Yes Sarah was gorgeous but he only had eyes for you.

Walking out he saw you two standing by the door, arms linked.

"Hey girls!"

"Hey!" you and Sarah said at the same time.

"You two seem very...tight."

"Well Chuck we are supposed to be long time best friends. Gotta sell it right?" Sarah said.

"But we all know that Sarah really does want to be my bestie. She loves me." You said giving her a smirk which she couldn't help but smile back at you. Sarah didn't want to say it but it has been a long time since she had a real close girl friend and she was really actually starting to see you as one.

"I'm feeling replaced here Y/NN." Chuck said pretending to be hurt.

"Oh Chuck you know you can never be replaced." You said coming up to him and putting your arm around him.

"So what's up?" Chuck said putting his arm around your shoulders.

"We need to talk." Sarah said pointing to the home theatre room.

Chuck Series Rewrite - Season 1Where stories live. Discover now