Chuck vs. The Tango Part 6

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Ellie was busy getting a salad together and Chuck was pacing back and forth in the kitchen behind her.

"You okay there Chuck?"

"Not really."

She turned around to look at her brother.

"Well what's wrong?"

Chuck looked at her and took a breath.

"How do you know when the time is right to tell someone how you feel?"

Ellie smiled. "Is this about Y/N?"

"Who else?"

Ellie stopped what she was doing and looked at her brother.

"I don't know. You just know. You'll feel it and you'll know in your heart that it is the right moment to express your feelings."

Chuck looked at her and nodded his head looking down.

"I don't know Ellie. I mean we've had some moments where I think I may tell her and hope she feels the same but then I get this fear that what if she's not into me like that and I just scare her off and ruin everything between us?"

Ellie shook her head and turned back to her salad.

"Uh, trust me. I have seen the way that that girl looks at you and she is into you."

Chuck looked at his sister and a huge smile appeared on his face.


"Yes! Chuck! It's so obvious! I think she is just waiting patiently for you to tell her you love her and finally ask her out. Plus I'm sure she is fearing the same thing as you and if you both hang on to that fear then nothing is ever going to happen between two and you'll always wonder what would happen if you just admitted your feelings."

Chuck looked at her and smiled. What would he do without his sister and her talks?

"You're right. Thanks so much Ellie."

"Of course!"

"How do you feel about a brother-sister hug situation right now?" Chuck asked.

" I'm open to it."

Chuck laughed and gave Ellie a big hug. All of a sudden the doorbell rang.

"Oh, I'll get it." Chuck said walking over to the door. He opened it up to find you, Sarah and Morgan standing there.

"Sorry. I thought we had plans tonight, you know? What are they doing here? " Morgan said pointing to you and Sarah.

"What, uh, what gave you that impression?" Chuck asked.

" Uh, when you were leaving earlier and you were, like, see you later, dude. Took you at your word. It's cool if you don't want me to be here;that's fine. Just gotta stop giving me mixed signals."

Chuck let out a small laugh then looked over at you and smiled.

"Come on in." Chuck said inviting you all in.

" Super .Awesome. What are we having?" Morgan said walking in first.

You and Sarah looked at Morgan and laughed.

You then both walked in and you stood beside Chuck as Sarah handed over a bottle of wine.

"Here you go."

" Oh, thank you. Thank you. " Chuck then looked up and saw the cut on Sarah's lip. "You okay?"

"Uh, occupational hazard. She got in a lucky kick." she said smiling.

You then turned your head and looked at Chuck.

"Well now I feel bad coming empty handed." you said jokingly looking over at Sarah quickly giving her a wink.

Chuck laughed looking at you and put his arm around your shoulders.

"Y/NN just bringing yourself over is good enough."

"Aww thanks Chuck" you said giving him a side hug.

Sarah looked at you both and smiled big. She thought you two were so cute and it was killing her that you two were still not a couple yet.

After the dinner, you, Chuck and Sarah walked outside and stood by the fountain.

"Congratulations on your first mission. You guys did really good."

"Stop it. We're not really spies. Your computer ended up in the head of a guy who only knows how to fix 'em, nothing else."

"Yeah and a real ordinary girl who cooks hot dogs for a living."

"You two survived a near-death experience under the threat of torture and apprehended one of the world's most elusive killers. I'm not sure you what you think spies do exactly, but most of us would consider that a pretty good day."

"Okay, sure, so today we helped take down a major international arms dealer, but tomorrow, tomorrow I still gotta go clock in at Buy More."

"I mean, what's the good of being a hero if nobody knows about it?" you asked.

"You know. And so do I." Sarah said looking at you then at Chuck smiling. "Have a goodnight you two. And see you at work tomorrow Y/N."

"Bye Sarah!" you and Chuck said at the same time. You both then turned and looked at each other.

"I guess she is not totally wrong. We did do pretty good. And we did make an awesome team. Also we never blew our cover of being husband and wife." you said looking up at Chuck.

"Yeah I guess that's true." Chuck said with a small smile. "You know, if we really were married this would be the part where I would be forced to kiss you and we would go back into our house to the bedroom."

"Forced? Would it be so bad?"

" I'm sure I could suffer through it." Chuck said smiling at you.

"Me, too." you said smiling back at him.

This has to be the moment! Chuck thought.

You both got real close and were starting to lean in when you then heard Morgan coming out and you both broke apart.

Damn it Morgan! Chuck thought after.

You cleared your throat and looked at Chuck.

"I should get going. Early shift tomorrow."

"Yeah okay. Have a goodnight Y/NN." Chuck said opening his arms for you once again which you gladly accepted giving him a huge hug.

"Goodnight Chuck." Chuck squeezed you tight one more time before letting you go.

As you were leaving you looked over at Chuck and Morgan waving at them before getting into your car.

Chuck just stared, wondering what could have happened if Morgan didn't show up. Would you have kissed?

Morgan was staring off somewhere else though.

"Man, that dude is creepy."

Chuck was wondering what he was talking about when noticed Casey staring at them through the blinders at his place and then quickly left.

" Agreed."

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