Chuck vs. The Tango Part 2

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Chuck and Casey were working at the Buy More today and you stopped in to discuss the plans tonight with them quietly. And luckily it was your day off today.

"So, dress attire for this evening-- uh, sneakers, or are we classifying this as more of a shoe event? " Chuck asked.

"I rented you a tux. And Sarah got Y/N a dress."

"She did?" you asked.

"Oh, that's very nice... how did you know my size?"

"NSA-- they have records of your rental information from prom night. And that's how Sarah figured out your dress size too." You and Chuck looked completely confused.

" I checked the suit in your closet. And Sarah just looked at you and knew what size you were."

"Okay, this is our first foray into major undercover spy work, so you could ease up on the sarcasm. That would be great. And how are we supposed to recognize La Ciudad? Is there a picture or something?" Chuck asked.

"If there was a photograph, why would we need you?"

" What did we just talk about? " You said.

"I'm sorry. We're hoping something in the event triggers a flash."

" See, that's all you had to say." You said crossing your arms staring at Casey.

"Now, uh, hand-to-hand combat-- in all seriousness, if it comes down to me or Y/N and La Ciudad in some fisticuffs or something, is there, like, a 20-minute tutorial you can take us through?"

"Don't worry. You guys are going to be fine. Nothing's going to happen to you. Assuming you know how to tango. "

"Seriously?" Chuck asked looking a little scared.

" Oh, I don't joke about your life."

All of a sudden Morgan appeared in front of you and Chuck.

"Hey Sarah is here!"

You and Chuck turned around to find Sarah waiting by the entrance. You walked over to Sarah as Chuck began walking the other way with Morgan.

"One minute, I have computers to fix." Chuck said calling out to the both of you.

"Don't worry about it. We got it. There's only a few left. " Anna said.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yeah go spend time with the girls. But you cover for me next time I get to hang out with two gorgeous women." Lester said.

"Okay. Great. Thanks, team. I'll see you tomorrow." Chuck said quickly turning back around and heading towards you and Sarah.

"Where are you lovebirds headed along with Sarah?" Morgan asked.

" We're actually going to an art auction at the Wilshire grand."

" Swanky! Yeah, I like it, man. But kinda weird since you still have yet to tell Y/N how you feel and you have her best friend coming along with you guys again. Dude! You got to tell her!"

Chuck then turned around and grabbed Morgan by his shoulders.

"Listen, it's not that easy okay? She's been my best friend since we were little kids. I want to find the perfect time to tell her okay? It may take some time but it will come."

"Alright man... Just don't take too long because you are killing us here."

"Yeah thanks Morgan."

Chuck then turned back towards you and Sarah and you gave him a big smile. You then linked arms with both Chuck and Sarah and walked out of the Buy More.

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