Chuck vs. The Alma Mater Part 3

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Here you all were. At Stanford. Everyone was going crazy for the football game. You, Chuck , Sarah and Ellie were walking around. You looked over at Chuck to see how he was doing and you could tell he was not enjoying this.

"This is really freaking me out. It's like nothing has changed." Chuck said.

" Is that good or bad?" Sarah asked.

" It's, uh... It's, you know- Yeah, it's- Yeah."

As they were walking more, Devon came out of nowhere, throwing a football at Chuck.

" Woo! Go Bruins, huh?" he then lifted Ellie over his shoulder, spinning her around. You laughed watching the two.

" Devon, put me down. Put me down. Stop it. Ha-ha-ha."

" You ladies ready to rock? " Devon asked the rest of you after putting Ellie down.

"Yeah, when you put it that way, maybe not." Chuck said. Then Devon ran away, not before patting him hard. "Okay. Nice barbecue."

" Woo!" Someone yelled running by you.

""Woo" you." Chuck said.

You laughed and linked your arm with his.

"Uh, you wanna meet us at the stadium? I think we're gonna hang out here until the game starts." Ellie said laughing.

"Yeah. I'm gonna take Y/N a little trip down memory lane for the times she visited me here and for Sarah , the Chuck Bartowski memorial tour since she's never been here. So call me if any rabid Stanford fans decide to put Awesome in the hospital. " Chuck said jokingly.

"Ha. See you." And Ellie was off.

You , Chuck and Sarah were still standing around when you saw Casey coming over to you guys.

"Nice job blending in with the crowd." you said looking at him since he was dressed all in black.

"Who you rooting for, death?" Chuck asked.

" Ehh. Leave the quips to me."

"The library's this way, across the quad." Chuck said pointing straight ahead.

You and Chuck still had your arms linked as Sarah walked beside you and Casey was beside Chuck. As you were walking around the yard though Chuck slowed down and stopped. You looked over at him concerned.

"Chuck? What is it?" you asked.

" I don't know, I figured this'd be tough, but this place... is just a lot to take in, you know. I used to have so much fun here, and then..."

"And then?" Sarah asked turning to look at Chuck.

"It was the worst day of my life, getting kicked out of here. Having to hear Ellie's voice when I told her I was coming home. Having to call Y/N to tell her the news. Packing up all my stuff and leaving as Bryce just stood there. He said I brought it on myself."

You squeezed his arm as you leaned in more now, giving him a side hug, which Chuck gladly accepted, wrapping his arm around you.

"Why do you think that Bryce betrayed you?" Sarah then asked.

" I don't know. He's had four years to call and set the record straight. And now that he's gone... You know what? Forget it. Bryce has betrayed a lot of people, hasn't he? Come on Y/N." Chuck said keeping his arm around you as you walked away. Sarah and Casey following closely behind.

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