Chuck vs. The Wookie Part 3

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Chuck, Sarah, Morgan and Carina were all over at Chuck's place hanging out. Morgan was a little all over Carina thinking this was a date for him and the way Carina was acting with him was making Morgan believe it was for real real easily.

You were running a little late since you were picking up the pizzas.

The doorbell rang and Chuck went to go grab the door knowing it would be you.


"Y/NN! Thank you! What do I owe you?" he asked taking the pizzas from you.


"Oh come on Y/N, let me pay you for half of it at least."

"Chuck it's fine! Seriously." you said smiling at him.

"Alright fine. But next time I'm paying." he said giving you a wink.

"You got it!"

You walked into the living room to find everyone else sitting there.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late!"

"Oh don't worry Y/N." Sarah said waving you over.

You sat down on the chair since Sarah, Morgan and Carina were taking the couch.

Chuck then came back over with the pizzas, plates and napkins.

"Oh Chuck let me help you." you said getting up and grabbing the plates and napkins from him.


You handed out a plate and napkin to everyone. After everyone got their slices they all sat back down and Chuck grabbed the chair and you were wondering where to sit.

"Y/NN, get over here." Chuck said patting his lap.


You sat down on his lap and were trying so hard not to blush. You have sat down on Chuck's lap plenty of times but since your feelings for him have developed more and more it was hard to stay calm.

"You guys are so cute. Really." Carina said looking at you two.

"Oh uh...thank you?" Chuck said. Now he was trying not to blush.

"Where did you two meet?"

"Well we have been friends since we were little kids." you answered.

"Yeah she is basically a member of the family." Chuck said smiling.

"And when did you two start dating?"

You and Chuck both went wide eyed.

"Oh we aren't...I mean" Chuck started.

"Yeah I mean we..."

"Oh! You two aren't together? Wow...the way you two are it seems like you have been dating for a while." Carina said smirking at you two.

Sarah is staring at you both and can see you two acting very awkward now trying to hide the fact that you both aren't totally into each other. She was going to have to do something about that soon if you two never do.

"Uh, so do you guys want to watch a movie or something?" Sarah asked trying to stop you two from feeling awkward and to change the subject.

"That's a great idea Sarah!" you said.

"Yeah, that's a great... I rented that penguin movie." Chuck said.

" No, no, no, no, no-- a movie's a terrible idea. Don't you think? I think that people don't take enough time to get to know each other." Morgan said. "All I want to do tonight is find out everything there is to know about Carina." He said nodding his head towards her.

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