Chuck vs. The Crown Vic Part 3

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Chuck came outside to find Casey washing his car and being...loving to the car. Chuck had never seen him be this affectionate to anyone or anything really. So this was a first.

"Nice car." Chuck said walking closer to Casey.

" Not just any car. It's a 1985 Crown Victoria. But, like a lady, she doesn't like it when I talk about her age. "

"I'm not really a car guy, so I don't really... Pretty, pretty shiny, though."

" Oh, yeah, she's shiny. 4. 6 V8 engine, hydra glide transmission, reupholstered the prisoner containment area. Even installed a state of the art GPS tracking system in the license plate. Can locate this baby anywhere in the world in less than a minute."

" It's great. Th-that's really, great Casey."

" Could buy ten more just like her with the money you pissed away on one spin last night."

" I knew you weren't going to let that go. How did I know that?" Chuck then paused and looked at Casey. "So what, exactly, is Y/N and Sarah's mission on that guy's boat today?"

" Get close to Lon Kirk. By any means necessary."

" Wait, are... You're saying they're going to go down there and flirt with Lon Kirk alone?"

"What's the matter? Don't trust your girl?"

"No I do! I do. She told me to trust her last night and I do. Completely."

"So what's the problem then? She's got Walker too so it's not like she'll be doing all the flirting. Knowing Y/N she'll probably leave most of it too Walker anyway."

"Yeah that's true."

"Relax Chuck. Y/N's your girl."

Chuck just nodded as Casey walked away. Chuck trusted you with all his heart he was just nervous for you.

While Chuck was at work, his phone began to ring and picked it up when he realized it was Morgan.

"Hey, Morgan."

" Yeah, hey, hey, dude, we got a possible situation here. I'm out lunching with Anna's Parents at some fancy yacht club in the Marina. Okay, when who do I see, but someone who resembles the future Mrs. Chuck Bartowski and her very hot best friend. All right, now they're getting lotioned up by some creepy Richard Branson meets Willem Dafoe- lookin' dude, right? And he is all over them , man. I mean, he is really greasing them and working up this lather. I mean, it's just, it's, uh, quite a scene over here. And, um, hey, listen, I got to go, man, lobster here."

Morgan hung up and Chuck just sat there, beginning to panic and left the store.

Chuck went to the marina where he knew you, Sarah and Casey would be at. He was coming behind Casey when Casey turned around with a gun pointed at Chuck.

"Hey, oh, hey, hey, hey, hey! Don't shoot. Put the gun down. You can have the jelly-filled."

"What are you doing here, Bartowski?"

" Thought you might be hungry, you know. Friend to friend kind of a thing. Where's Y/N?"

"Oh, that's it. You think your girlfriend's stepping out on you. L/N and Agent Walker are fine and doing their job, see? Plus, we have a whole team here to back her up, okay? " Casey said as he pointed Chuck's head to where all the other agents were positioned, watching them. "So you can beat it, Bartowski."

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