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Narrator's perspective


Arabella was a girl, a witch with loving parents and family. Her whole life has been planned out for her, She's given orders and she will gladly do them with ease. Throughout her life as a fragile witch, She couldn't see her coven being terrified of her and what she could do. A teenage girl with such advance magic and knowledge like no one has ever seen, her eyes were violet which represented as the most powerful witch in her coven.

The day she met Marcellus Gerard was the day she knew her life was about to be different, if only she knew it wasn't for the better.

"Ara! Get your head in the game!" Caroline snapped her fingers in front of the dazed girl who quickly got out of her trance. She hated being like this and yet, she always seemed to be lost in her thoughts so easily.

"Care I am. Just don't do that again." She said motioning to her fingers making the younger blonde laugh. Arabella picked up the book again, reading it to found out more about the Gemini coven. "We've been doing this for years. It's simply no use by now."

"I know." Caroline groaned, closing her eyes in frustration and tiresome. This was not how she wanted to spend her last weekend of the summer vacation but the mother had no choice. "The twins are almost 22 and ever since they started to show their magic, I can't find a single loophole for the merge."

Arabella sighed, flopping down her couch with the glass of bourbon on her hand. "Have you even seen Josie and Lizzie this summer? We've been travelling Europe to find a fix, go see your daughters Caroline." She urged, mostly wanted to get out of this country to somewhere better.

"It already pains me that I have to keep this from them." She remarked, taking away the glass from her bestfriend's hand and downing it in one go. "Why are you even here with me? Don't you have places to be?"

The oldest ignored how she took the drink away just like that and instead answered her question. "It's always nice to company you. Mostly because I'm distracting my sorrows from one of my oldest friend's death." She sighed, taking the bottle from the coffee table and pouring it in the glass.

"Yeah but it's been 2 years, Ara. Klaus did that so he can protect Hope, you know that." She comforted. Even though the original hybrid and her had met badly in the first go, he turned to be one of the good ones.

"He called me over the phone and told me goodbye." She deadpanned pointed out in anger. "When I arrived in New Orleans, I was too late to say goodbye properly."

Arabella once got a phonecall when she was in the Western Hemisphere, Klaus saying goodbye and told her the reason why. She desperately wanted to see him one last time but the man was too stubborn and didn't want to see a painful expression on his friend. He went and drove the stake through Elijah's, and Elijah's to Klaus.

"You know what you need?" Caroline asked, as the idea was already in her head months ago but was never sure if Arabella would want to go. The Vampire raised her eyebrow, taking a sip of the burning alcohol. "A fresh start. Go to the school and act normal for once."

"Normal? I go to school where supernatural beings exist and adapt. How do you even justify normal these days, Care." She remarked and Caroline lets out an eye roll and giggle.

"Come on, Arabella." She urged using the Vampire's name. "With your help, Ric can actually control the school better. Who knows, meet somebody?"

Arabella rolled her eyes, setting down the glass in front of her. "My love life is outdated. Plus, Alaric has help from..." Her words trailed off making Caroline point at her suddenly.

"Exactly!" She chuckled. "It would be good for you as well. Jo and Lizzie always asked for you whenever I visit and they would help you settle in."

"Let's say I do join that school." She started, looking at Caroline with her hands together on her lap. "Then what? I attend class like I'm a newly turned Vampire just to fit in? My accent will give it away right from the start."

"Um... Hello? A cover story!" She clapped making Ara laugh and gestured her to go on. "Let's say you were sick from a horrible illness and I was nice enough to lend you my blood. Only that it was too and... you died."

Arabella laughed, "You're really pushing for this."

"Yes and you are in need of it. Come on, Ara. No one will suspect you and it's been years since you visited Mystic Falls." Caroline urged even more. "Besides, the twins missed you as well."

"Hey it's not my fault I don't want to see them and not spill of the merge." She pointed at her bestfriend who groaned and rolled her eyes. "They're old enough to know and I don't get why you and Alaric won't tell them."

"Don't turn this on me- Go back to the topic." She raised her hands, rebooting the conversation. "I will tell them and soon once I found a way to save them both. Go be normal and I'll stay here in Europe."

Arabella gave her a look. "And research all this without me? You're delusional."

"I'll handle it, Ara." Caroline groaned once again. The girl is too stubborn for her own good. "You're stil grieving Klaus and Elijah. I know, and it will be a very good distraction than this mess."

Before Arabella could even answer back, the door behind them slammed open, the door flying to the floor. The girls stood up and saw an unfamiliar man by the doorframe.

"Sir I think you owe us a door." Arabella said in anger and jumped over the couch from an incoming blow, she quickly held his fist. Caroline took the wood from the floor, tossed it to Arabella and drove it just above the man's heart.

"Who are you?" Caroline sneered, kneeling down to floor from where he was. The man still had his fangs out, eyes was red.

"Oh wait I know you." Arabella said in realisation but still had her grip on the wood. "I killed your brother didn't I?"

Caroline looked at the girl in shock, "You did what?!"

"Care, his brother was trying to find Klaus' daughter to kill her. What was I suppose to do? Stand idly by?" She questioned and got off topic. "Can't say we'll miss you bud." Ara sent a tight smile before pushing the stake further to his chest and hit his heart.

She stood up, taking in breathed before wiping the blood off her hands on her shirt in disgust while looking at the desiccated body beneath her.

"How did he even track you down?" Caroline asked, pulling the body to a closet and closing it.

"I have no clue but I am now positive I want a start." She sent a grin to the blonde who sighed in relief. "Only that you come with me so Jo and Lizzie can finally see their mother. Even just for a visit."


𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ; Hope Mikaelson ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now