𝟙.𝟜: ℍ𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕀𝕤 ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕠𝕒𝕝

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—Narrator's perspective—

"I was born in Mystic Falls. Circa date, 1800's." Arabella started, heart was racing since this will be the first time she'll tell what happened. "My coven prioritised dark magic as their emblem and saviour? Kind of messed up if you ask me."

Hope frowned, looking over at the Vampire who was just getting started on her story. "So you already lied about everything since you came here?"

"I know I shouldn't have but, Caroline was insistent. But my name is Arabella Black, that was real. I go by Salvatore ever since I met Stefan decades ago." She said and sighed in frustration. "You can't exactly lay low if your name is the school's name."

"You know you could have told me since the start. I wouldn't judge you for it." Hope said seriously, looking over the vampire who shrugged sadly.

"You would if you'd known that who turned me." She looked at Hope, curiosity filled her eyes and gestured her to go on. "Marcel. Elijah was teaching him how to turn a human to vampire, which was me."

Hope sat properly straight and tilted her head sidewards to get a look of Arabella to make sure she isn't lying. "You knew my uncle?" There was something more she wanted to ask, as if Arabella could read minds, she nodded.

"I knew Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Klaus." Arabella stated every single name that only made Hope looked so confused. "They took me in just like what they did to Marcel but when Mikael attacked New Orleans, Your father didn't want to leave me behind." In a whisper, she explained while looking over the book on her hand.

"You knew my dad?" Hope's voice screamed necessity to know everything, almost as if she was pleading.

"He was my bestfriend." She smiled softly, hand grazing over the picture she was looking at on the book. "One day I got a call from him when I was on the other side of the world, he told me goodbye." Arabella picked up the photograph, giving it to Hope who shakily took it.

Hope studied every detail, Klaus was having his sinister smile while having his arms around a much more immature looking Arabella who was laughing. It was a stolen picture but they looked so happy in that one.

"I didn't visit New Orleans after what happened to Hayley." She confessed, only shocking Hope even more. "I was mad at everything and especially to those group of vampires who killed her... I was in a small town near Virginia, many was conspiring against Klaus and you because of your breed. To take the edge off and distract myself, I went on a rampage killing all of them."

"By yourself?" Hope asked, didn't realise a pool of tears forminf in her eyes.

"By myself." She admitted, pulling another book from the shelf near her. This time, it was leather covered. "Stefan always did love writing on his journal. This one was the decade we met." Ara gave it to Hope who looked at her if she was sure.

They were in the Salvatore memorial library, Arabella had to practically beg for Hope not to do this but at some point, she was going to have to anyways.

"Why are you telling me all this? You could have said no." Hope asked, now feeling bad that she ever pushed Arabella to the brink of breaking.

"We have something in common." She answered, propping her elbow to the side of the chair and leaning her head to her hand for rest. "I hate liars and lying."

𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 ; Hope Mikaelson ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now